
Scarborough: Obama, U.S. Have ‘Blood on Our Hands’ for Syria Inaction

August 22nd, 2016 12:38 PM
While Donald Trump was hate-tweeting on Monday morning about Morning Joe and the gossip site rumors surrounding co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, the latter co-host prided himself as being a Trump critic (he wasn’t) but more importantly called out the Obama administration and government for collectively having “blood on our hands” for the inaction in Syria’s civil war to, in part,…

Matthews Is NOT Happy with Obama on Iran; ‘They’re Going to Pay!'

August 18th, 2016 9:44 PM

On multiple occasions throughout Thursday’s Hardball on MSNBC, liberal host Chris Matthews made his feelings clear that he was livid at the Obama administration over revelations hours earlier that they indeed waited to give Iran $400 million that they claimed to have been repayment for money frozen during the 1979 revolution until four American hostages had left Iran. 


Mitchell Wonders: ‘When Is the World Going to Pay Attention' to Syria?

August 18th, 2016 4:51 PM
Giving proper coverage to the heartbreaking and tear-jerking scene out of Aleppo, Syria with a bloody and dusty young boy sitting in an ambulance, MSNBC/NBC’s Andrea Mitchell devoted a full segment to the matter on Thursday afternoon but of course made no mention of President Barack Obama or his administration’s inaction in Syria to dispose of the Assad regime or ISIS in the over five years since…

Ransom By Another Name

August 9th, 2016 6:21 PM
You've probably heard the very old riddle: When is a door not a door? When it's ajar. An updated version might go like this: When is a ransom not a ransom? When the Obama administration says it isn't. President Obama and his State Department want us to believe that $400 million in foreign cash that was flown into Iran under cover of darkness on an unmarked cargo plane was merely money "owed" to…

Noyes Decimates Media’s Double Standard on Trump vs. Iran Coverage

August 4th, 2016 2:18 PM
On Thursday afternoon, Media Research Center Research Director Rich Noyes appeared on the Fox Business Network (FBN) and exposed the latest double standard by the liberal media harping on various controversies befalling Donald Trump while giving minimal time to the disturbing story about the U.S. giving Iran $400 million when the Islamic country released four captured Americans.

Five Weird Moments Overlooked on Late-Night MSNBC’s Weds. DNC Coverage

July 30th, 2016 5:30 PM
Amidst all the overwhelming media coverage gushing over President Barack Obama’s Wednesday night speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), there were a few points during MSNBC’s coverage in the early hours of Thursday that couldn’t go by without being chronicled for NewsBusters readers. 

Mitchell Thinks Obama Is the Best President at Speeches Since Lincoln

July 28th, 2016 3:32 AM
If the all-star fawning by MSNBC personalities such as Brian Williams and Chris Matthews over President Obama’s DNC speech wasn’t enough, former McCain/Palin campaign manager Steve Schmidt ruled Thursday night that the speech was “one of the most extraordinary political speeches ever given by anyone at any time” and NBC News correspondent/MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell proclaimed that Obama is the…

Matthews, Williams on ‘Wonderful’ Obama: ‘Will Not See His Kind Again'

July 28th, 2016 2:36 AM
The crew at MSNBC late Wednesday were locked and loaded to respond to President Barack Obam’s speech to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and didn’t disappoint as breaking news anchor Brian Williams informed everyone that “we will not see his kind again” before Rachel Maddow ruled that “[t]here’s nothing else like him” while Hardball host Chris Matthews admitted that “it’s pretty well…

Joy Reid: ‘Hillary Clinton Is Going to Teach Us’ a Lesson on Sexism

July 27th, 2016 3:07 AM
While the early Wednesday morning portion of MSNBC’s Democratic National Convention (DNC) coverage wasn’t quite the spectacle it was from the day before, AM Joy host Joy Reid provided two noteworthy instances denouncing Hillary Clinton critics as sexist who complain about her not wearing skirts and predicted that she’s “going to teach us” a lesson about sexism by the end of the election. 

‘Comeback?’ Networks Gloss Over 6 Key Indicators of Weak Economy

July 25th, 2016 10:11 AM
They call it a comeback. It is true, the U.S. economy is no longer in the depths of what has been called “The Great Recession.” But, in many ways the economy remains “weak.” Overall economic growth remains “subpar” and labor force participation rates remain shocking, not far from 38-year lows. Then of course there’s poverty, food stamp use, weak wage growth and household income struggles. The…

Megyn Kelly's Debate With Black Guest Degenerates Into Shouting Match

July 14th, 2016 7:48 PM
During Wednesday evening's edition of The Kelly File on the Fox News Channel, host Megyn Kelly wound up clashing with guest D. L. Hughley -- a black author, political commentator, radio host and stand-up comedian -- regarding the fatal shooting of Philando Castile by police officer Jeronimo Yanez on July 6 in a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota. While Kelly tried to keep the discussion civil,…

Maher: GOP ‘Don't Like the Idea of a Black Family' Using WH China

July 13th, 2016 10:04 PM
Far-left HBO host Bill Maher joined MSNBC’s Hardball and host Chris Matthews for the entire hour on Wednesday and brought his A-game when it came to trashing America for it’s “original sin” of slavery that “some countries don’t have” and trashed Republicans as being upset at “the idea of a black family eating off the White House china.”   

'Proud' Matthews Rules Obama’s Dallas Speech Was ‘His Finest Hour’

July 13th, 2016 1:33 PM
As part of the same show in which Indiana Republican Governor Mike Pence was declared to be “almost horny for the job” as Donald Trump’s running mate, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews oozed on multiple occasions during Tuesday’s show that the day would be known as President Barack Obama’s “finest hour” as he spoke at an interfaith memorial service for the slain Dallas, Texas police officers. 

Obama's Divisive Double Standards

July 12th, 2016 9:24 PM
President Obama's knee-jerk reaction to the Dallas shootings brings into clear relief his biases and double standards on racially or religiously motivated violence. Have we ever had a president as blinded by his ideology and as oblivious or dismissive about his own biases and the double standards he invokes?