
Williams Arrives for Endorsement, Compares Birtherism to Original Sin

June 9th, 2016 3:48 PM
The cable networks ran a full-court press in covering President Obama’s endorsement on Thursday afternoon of Hillary Clinton with MSNBC giving Brian Williams the keys to the network for a few hours and, in the first 10 minutes, he seemed to blame talk radio for not reminding voters of Donald Trump’s birtherim enough that was, in his words, an “original sin.”

Obama, Immigration Propaganda and Our National Identity

June 8th, 2016 8:38 PM
Just when you think the Hollywood left might be showing some independence from the Obama White House, it once again falls in line to mouth its propaganda. Just kidding. No one believes that Hollywood leftists think independently.

Levin Cites NewsBusters in Ripping Obama as ‘Most Vicious, Vile' POTUS

June 3rd, 2016 1:16 PM
Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin began his show on Thursday night by citing a Wednesday post from this writer about President Obama gushing over PBS’s “civility” to set up his opening monologue that included him referring to the President as having “been the most vicious, vile, attack President that I can think of.”

Surprise: PBS Town Hall Audience Hammers Obama on Jobs, Health Care

June 2nd, 2016 3:10 PM
Wednesday night’s PBS NewsHour town hall in Elkhart, Indiana had it all with host Gwen Ifill attacking residents for not supporting President Barack Obama and the President praising PBS’s “civility,” but it also featured audience members surprisingly being allowed to blast the President on issues ranging from the economy to ObamaCare to regulations to veterans.

Obama Gushes Over PBS’s ‘Civility’ in Town Hall, Attacks Talk Radio

June 2nd, 2016 9:04 AM
Amidst PBS NewsHour co-host Gwen Ifill knocking Elkhart, Indiana at Wednesday night town hall for not supporting President Obama and audience members firing off some serious hardballs at him, there was one question concerning the “lack of civility” in politics that allowed the President to hail PBS as being “all about civility” while attacking talk radio as the cause of this decay.

PBS’s Ifill Knocks IN Town for Not Supporting Obama; 'What Gives?'

June 1st, 2016 11:09 PM
Barely a minute into Wednesday’s PBS town hall event with President Barack Obama, PBS NewsHour co-host Gwen Ifill took a few digs at the people of Elkhart, Indiana where the event was being held for not giving Obama “any credit” for their unemployment drop to the point that she exclaimed: “What gives?”

Apparently, Failing Civics Class is a Media Job Requirement

May 30th, 2016 12:40 PM
Our public schools have for decades served not as education facilities - but as social services and indoctrination centers.  From which the average graduate can’t read the diploma they're handed - but they can roll a condom on a banana.  Where people are brainwashed into preferring failed-everywhere socialism over wealth-producing capitalism - but are blithering, blinkered boobs when asked why…

Williams: U.S. Is ‘The Only Nation to Have Used’ Nukes 'In Anger'

May 27th, 2016 2:39 PM
MSNBC breaking news host and ex-NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams was allowed out on MSNBC’s airwaves early Friday afternoon to discuss President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima and in the course of that, Williams threw some shade in the direction of the U.S. military and then-President Harry Truman by complaining that “we’re the only nation to have used them in anger” against the horrifying Axis…

Matthews: Anti-Obama Americans Want Him Wiped from History Books

May 25th, 2016 3:11 PM
In the overnight hours of Tuesday into Wednesday, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews suggested that there’s a segment of Americans opposed to President Barack Obama who want him permanently wiped from U.S. history books and any list of American Presidents because of his race. Right on the dot at 1:00 a.m. Eastern, Matthews also creepily complimented NBC News correspondent Hallie Jackson for having “…

NewsBusted: Bernie Voters Probably Can't Pick Out This Place on a Map!

May 24th, 2016 9:00 PM
“Bernie Sanders easily won the Oregon primary last week. Exit polls revealed that most of his voters have never heard of Venezuela.” - NewsBusted’s Jody Miller

‘60 Minutes’ Waits Until Final Year to Bring Heat on Valerie Jarrett

May 23rd, 2016 4:26 PM
After next to nothing in the first seven years of the Obama administration, the major broadcast networks finally decided to profile Obama family friend and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett as CBS’s 60 Minutes featured a tough interview conducted by CBS This Morning co-host Norah O’Donnell. 

NBC Skips ‘Communist’ Label, Horrid Human Rights Record for Vietnam

May 23rd, 2016 1:12 PM
On Monday morning, NBC’s Today and correspondent Ron Allen omitted any mention to viewers that Vietnam remains a authoritarian, communist regime as it welcomed President Barack Obama on the first stop of his week-long Asia tour. 

Media Ignoring a MAJOR Part of the Facebook Scandal

May 18th, 2016 2:08 PM
The liberal media are all over one part of the Facebook scandal story - and ignoring another. Generally, media have covered the accusations that the social media site is censoring conservative news and sources from their trending news feed. Coincidentally, this is also the part of the Facebook story affecting the media.

Resisting Obama's Transgender Directive: A Hill to Die On

May 17th, 2016 5:25 PM
To achieve its political ends, the left doesn't just assault the Constitution through the appointment of liberal activist judges; there are a variety of other leftist abuses, such as politicizing the departments of Justice and Education.