
Stephanopoulos, Todd Gang Up on Cruz, Rubio over SCOTUS Nomination

February 14th, 2016 3:56 PM
In separate Sunday morning interviews of Republican presidential candidates and Senators Ted Cruz (Tex.) and Marco Rubio (Fl.), ABC’s This Week host George Stephanopoulos and NBC’s Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd urged them to consider whomever President Obama nominates to replace the late conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia since “the people elected President Obama” and he…

Bill Kristol Schools ABC’s Dowd on Dems Delaying GOP Judicial Picks

February 14th, 2016 1:31 PM
During the panel segment Sunday morning on ABC’s This Week, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol schooled ABC News political analyst and former Bush administration official Matthew Dowd on how Democrats have long politicized judicial nominees after Dowd lamented that “Republicans have made a mistake” in reacting to the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia and urged them to consider…

CBS Evening News Hails ‘Terrific Interview’ of Obamas by Gayle King

February 8th, 2016 10:50 PM
Monday’s CBS Evening News continued to bask in the supposed glory of CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King’s pre-Super Bowl interview with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama with additional excerpts and anchor Scott Pelley gushing over the “terrific interview.” Of course, CBS continued to make no mention of King’s connections to the Obamas as both a personal friend and donor to…

Tim Allen: Obama's 'Turned into an Eight-Year Nightmare'

February 5th, 2016 9:57 PM
Maybe ABC got a message from the higher ups that the show Last Man Standing was getting a little too conservative and anti-Obama for their liking. This week for the first time this season, in the episode "Home Sweet Loan," when Mike Baxter (Tim Allen) gave a great line mocking Obama, his hippy-dippy liberal son-in-law came back with a rejoinder defending him.

Cowan, Obama Take Spin Down Memory Lane; Presidency Wasn't 'Dismal'

January 24th, 2016 2:19 PM
Just under two weeks after ABC’s Terry Moran took a fawning trip down memory lane longing for the days when he covered the 2008 Obama campaign, former NBC News correspondent and current CBS News Sunday Morning correspondent Lee Cowan followed suit as Sunday’s program featured an interview with President Obama. “He’s overseen shrinking unemployment, a growing job market, a reduction in the number…

Schultz: Show on Kremlin-Backed Network ‘Won’t Be a Lot of Opinion'

January 22nd, 2016 3:21 AM
Former MSNBC host and soon-to-be Russia Today (RT) host Ed Schultz joined Larry King on Thursday’s Politicking to preview his 30-minute program on the Kremlin-backed network and promised that there “won’t be a lot of opinion” and instead serve as “a direct news show.” The leftist heaped praise on Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and John Kasich with Trump having focused on “these…

Liberal 'Hunger Games' Star Selected to Portray Fidel Castro's Lover

January 20th, 2016 7:16 PM
According to an exclusive interview posted Tuesday on The Hollywood Reporter website, Jennifer Lawrence -- a liberal actress who played heroine Katmiss Everdeen in the four-part Hunger Games series of science-fiction movies -- has been chosen to portray Marita Lorenz in Marita, a “romantic spy drama” that will focus on the German-born woman who was sent to Cuba to assassinate Fidel Castro but…

ABC Ignores SCOTUS Deciding to Hear Case on Obama’s Amnesty

January 19th, 2016 8:22 PM
On Tuesday, ABC’s World News Tonight didn’t find it pertinent to inform their millions of viewers that the Supreme Court decided hours earlier that it will hear a case concerning the legality of President Obama’s executive amnesty after having worked its way up through the federal court system. Amidst the media obsession with Donald Trump, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News found 23 and 19…

MSNBC Guest: Obama Showed ‘Strength’ on Iran Unlike Bush on Iraq

January 19th, 2016 5:40 PM
Appearing on Monday’s edition of MSNBC’s The Last Word, former Clinton and Bush administration diplomat Hillary Mann Leverett gushed that what President Obama has achieved with Iran is “[s]imilar to what President Nixon did with China” and “profoundly important, strategically grounded diplomacy” whereas George W. Bush “showed weakness on the world stage” with the Iraq War.

Surprise: Raddatz Slams Obama for Mocking ISIS as Guys in Pickups

January 13th, 2016 3:31 AM
ABC’s post-State of the Union coverage featured a number of predictably liberal takes on Tuesday, but some opposing viewpoints were able to break through with one criticism being chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz slamming the President’s characterization of many ISIS fighters as “guys in pickup trucks” because those same men “still are in charge of Mosul in Iraq” and “huge swaths…

ABC, CNN Hail ‘Exclamation Point’ SOTU; ‘Didn’t Rub Salt' on GOPers

January 13th, 2016 2:58 AM
Amid the deluge of post-State of the Union coverage Tuesday night, there was a similar litany of praise for President Obama’s final such speech with notable highlights coming from ABC as contributor Donna Brazile touted it as “a good exclamation point” for his presidency and correspondent David Wright spinning it as the President “pleading for unity” instead of “rub[bing] salt in the Republican…

Liberal Historian: ‘So Poignant’ Obama Said He Couldn’t End Gridlock

January 12th, 2016 11:48 PM
Moments after President Obama’s final State of the Union on Tuesday night, liberal historian Michael Beschloss was a panelist on PBS and fawned over how the President was “so poignant” in lamenting during his speech that he hasn’t “been able to bridge the divide” while in office.

Chuck Todd: ‘Timing’ of Iran Situation ‘Couldn’t Be Worse’ for Obama

January 12th, 2016 10:11 PM
NBC News political director and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd lamented in the final moments before President Obama’s final State of the Union Tuesday night that the “timing” of Iran’s seizure of 10 Sailors from the U.S. Navy “couldn't be worse for the President” as he went onto tout the Iran nuclear deal in his address.

CBS: Obama Taking ‘Valedictory Lap’ Offering ‘Message of Hope’

January 12th, 2016 9:40 PM
Prior to President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley gushed that the President “will be taking what you might call a valedictory lap” as he starts his final year in office while Face the Nation host John Dickerson ruled that the President offers “a message of hope” compared to one that’s “fearful of change” made by conservatives and Republicans.