
CNN's Dana Bash: High Schoolers 'Act More Mature' Than Trump

February 9th, 2017 3:54 PM
On CNN's Wolf Thursday afternoon, Chief Political Correspondent Dana Bash bashed President Donald Trump's latest attacks and said, "I think kids in high school act more mature and kind of in the realm of reality than what we're seeing here."

Priorities: As World Tensions Escalate, Schumer Pushes For Pet Meds Le

July 21st, 2014 9:16 AM
Let's see. A rebel group pushing for separation from Ukaine has shot down a passenger plane, killing almost 300 aboard. Israel has invaded Gaza. Illegal immigrants are flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border, in at least one instance following a hail of protective gunfire directed at Border Patrol agents. Meanwhile, in news concerning truly important matters, New York Democratic Senator…

CNN's Costello Wonders Whether Gun Control Would Have Prevented Califo

May 27th, 2014 5:40 PM
Carol Costello surprisingly raised pro-gun rights points during an interview of Senator Richard Blumenthal on Tuesday's CNN Newsroom. Costello noted the "renewed calls for stricter gun control laws" after Friday's murder spree in California, and pointed out that the Golden State "has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. The shooter in this case abided by a background check....How…

Ifill Doesn't Ask Democrat If Gun Control Bill Would've Stopped Newtow

April 18th, 2013 6:15 PM
With the monumental collapse of the president’s anti-gun agenda, many are wondering if both sides will “go back into their corners” on gun control.  Every single measure in this new bill failed, which elicited the wrath of the president yesterday in the Rose Garden.  During the April 17 broadcast of the PBS NewsHour, Gwen Ifill asked why these measures failed to pass, mentioned the popularity…

MSNBC Showcases Democratic Senator Trying to Silence NRA with Cease an

March 26th, 2013 4:30 PM
The liberal media's push for gun control has long included the tactic of attempting to shame the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other gun rights activists into silence. That tactic was once again deployed by MSNBC's Thomas Roberts this morning in his interview with liberal Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal (Conn.), who is calling on the nation's oldest civil rights organization to cease…

MSNBC’s Alex Witt Allows Dem. Senator To Blame GOP, NRA For Assault

March 20th, 2013 1:10 PM
Ever since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in December 2012, the hosts at MSNBC have been on a gun control crusade, boosting Democrats' push for fresh gun restrictions.  One of the focal points of MSNBC’s gun control advocacy has been pushing for a ban on what MSNBC calls “military-style assault weapons.” Well, yesterday,  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters he'd scrapped…

AP's Woodward Commits His Own Gaffes While Chronicling 2010 Campaign G

October 30th, 2010 9:39 AM
Per -- Gaffe: 1) a social or diplomatic blunder; 2) a noticeable mistake. The Associated Press's Calvin Woodward has had a few shining analytical moments during the first two years of the Obama administration (examples here and here). The AP reporter's dispatch on "gaffes and gotchas" Friday morning, which attempted to communicate a sense of bemusement tinged with…

Open Thread: Richard Blumenthal Explains Job Creation

October 6th, 2010 9:16 AM

Chris Matthews Rips Liberal Journalist For Endorsing All Democrat Cand

October 5th, 2010 11:00 PM
An extraordinary thing happened on MSNBC Tuesday: Chris Matthews scolded a fellow liberal journalist for endorsing all of the Democrat candidates up for election in the Senate this November.While discussing the battle between Republican candidate Linda McMahon and Democrat candidate Richard Blumenthal in Connecticut, the "Hardball" host expressed serious concerns about the latter lying about his…

MRC-TV: Bozell Discusses Double Standards in Blumenthal Coverage

May 25th, 2010 11:08 AM
NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell appeared on the May 25 "Fox & Friends" to discuss the media's double standard when it comes to politicians lying about their military records.The Media Research Center president noted the most apt parallel to Richard Blumenthal was Bruce Caputo, a Republican who ran for U.S. Senate in the 1980s, only to drop out after Tim Russert -- then a staffer for Daniel…

MRC-TV: Bozell Discusses Media Lack of Interest in Blumenthal's Lies

May 24th, 2010 11:44 AM
Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal (D) "loves to prosecute businesses for potentially misleading advertising" but when he's exposed as a serial liar about his Vietnam War service, the media refuse to hammer him for the scandal, NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell told viewers of the Saturday, May 22 "Fox & Friends."While credit is due the New York Times for breaking the story,…

Seething Scarborough Hits Harwood's Blumenthal Backing

May 24th, 2010 8:08 AM
Joe Scarborough was on fire this morning, his ire trained on twin targets: Dick Blumenthal, and the New York Times' John Harwood, who casually dismissed the candidate's lies about having served in Vietnam as just a case of getting "a little carried away."  At one point, Scarborough claimed he wasn't calling Blumenthal a "scumbag"—but it sure sounded like it.Harwood began his Blumenthal defense…

MSNBC's Ratigan Attacks NYT Over Blumenthal Story, Conn. Dem 'Simply M

May 21st, 2010 6:33 PM
In the "Busted" segment at the end of Friday's The Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan went after the New York Times for "accusing" Connecticut Attorney General and Democratic Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal of distorting his military record: "We think the Times should investigate some of its investigative reporting." Ratigan dismissed a quote the Times used of Blumenthal…

David Brooks: Richard Blumenthal 'Accidentally' Said He Was a Combat V

May 20th, 2010 9:24 AM
David Brooks seemed to be having a coherency challenged moment during his latest scheduled conversation with fellow New York Times columnist, Gail Collins. First Brooks excused what Connecticut senatorial candidate Richard Blumenthal falsely claimed about being a Vietnam combat veteran as an "accident": As for Blumenthal, my guess is he survives his little brush with mendacity. The Connecticut…