Robert Gebeloff

NY Times Front Page: 'Coronavirus Is Deadliest Where Democrats Live'
May 27th, 2020 9:00 AM
It’s official: The coronavirus is a partisan weapon for the New York Times. The paper deployed it in its co-lead story slot Monday -- Memorial Day -- “Virus at Its Deadliest in the Strongholds of Democrats.” The online version of that headline was even blunter: “The Coronavirus Is Deadliest Where Democrats Live.”

What Decline? New York Times Uses Poll to Suggest Sharp Drop in Gun Ow
March 11th, 2013 8:38 AM
There's something odd with a Sunday New York Times report on gun ownership in America. They claim the number of Americans owning guns are at its lowest since the 1970s. They attribute it to a reduction in violent crime, which contradicts the media narrative that we need more gun control, and the increased rates of Americans settling in urban areas. The problem is two years ago; the number of…

NYT's Bad Front-Page Headline Falsely States: '...Most Face Lower Tax
December 3rd, 2012 1:37 PM
Friday's enormous A1 New York Times story by economics reporters Binyamin Appelbaum and Robert Gebeloff tried to soften Americans up for tax hikes under a misleading headline: "Complaints Aside, Most Face Lower Tax Burden Than in the Reagan ’80s." They write:
But in fact, most Americans in 2010 paid far less in total taxes -- federal, state and local -- than they would have paid 30 years ago…

Conservative Hypocrisy in Middle Class Minnesota Leads Sunday New York
February 14th, 2012 1:40 PM
Sunday’s New York Times led with a 4,200 word-feature co-written by economics reporter Binyamin Appelbaum and welfare reporter Robert Gebeloff reporting from middle class Chisago County, “Even Critics of Safety Net Increasingly Depend on It.”
Reporter Matt Bai wrote on the paper's Caucus blog Monday that “A bunch of my liberal friends applauded and sent around this piece, which seemed to…