Sarah Pulliam

WashPost Columnist: It's 'Dangerous' that Christians Don't Trust MSM
December 8th, 2016 4:42 PM
The escalation against conservatives continued on Thursday in an online Washington Post column by Sarah Pulliam Bailey that sought to connect the distrust in the mainstream media on the right to the rise of fake news that’s made for “dangerous” consequences like the false story that’s become known as Pizzagate.
UPDATED: Christianity Today Favors 'Anti-abortion' Over 'Pro-life' Lab
January 30th, 2009 4:53 PM
Updated below: CT editor responds to NewsBusters.Evangelical magazine Christianity Today is using the term "anti-abortion," rather than "pro-life," to refer to a ad which NBC has refused to air during the Super Bowl. (h/t @pdavidy8)The term "anti-abortion" isn't used by reporter Sarah Pulliam in the body of her article posted at CTliveblog, but it is used in her January 30…
Christianity Today's Bland Interview with Pro-Life Democrat
August 28th, 2008 4:43 PM
Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as pro-life Democrats. And yes, there are some in Denver at the party's nominating convention, even if the mainstream media don't interview them.Christianity Today has found a few and has been covering them at the magazine's CTPolitics blog. But if you are looking for tough questions, you won't find them from staffer Sarah Pulliam in her interview with…
Christianity Today: ABC Spells Sloppy Reporting on Wheaton College
May 5th, 2008 3:45 PM
This is a much more serious sin than the folly I noted earlier today from coverage of a Bill Clinton visit to a "Pentacostal" church.On May 1, Christianity Today's Sarah Pulliam took to her magazine's Liveblog to address's numerous errors in reporting on a faculty matter at evangelical Wheaton College: ABC's report of Wheaton College professor Kent Gramm's resignation…