Sasha Obama

People Magazine Devotes Bush-Free Page of Tribute to Obamas in Selma
March 15th, 2015 6:24 PM
The New York Times isn’t the only iconic media outlet to ignore George and Laura Bush’s visit to Selma as they obsess over the Obamas. On page 12 of the March 23 edition of People magazine, in the “Star Tracks” section, there’s a whole page devoted to “THE FIRST FAMILY IN SELMA.” In chronicling the events of March 7, there was no picture and no mention of President and Mrs. Bush (or any other…
Nets Continue Hyping GOP Aide's ‘Snarky Posting’ About Obama Daughters
December 1st, 2014 10:29 PM
On Monday night, the “big three” of ABC, CBS and NBC each spent portions of their evening newscasts reporting on the resignation of a House Republican staffer after she criticized Sasha and Malia Obama on her personal Facebook page. This marks the second full day of coverage since the first reports aired on Sunday morning and provides another example of a media double-standard between Democratic…

HuffPost, Leftists Bully GOP Staffer For Post On Her Facebook Page
November 30th, 2014 9:04 PM
This past Thanksgiving weekend, with all the stories going on in the country today, one seems to have topped the list: an unknown GOP staffer decided to voice her opinion about the Obama daughters after they were pictured during the White House turkey pardon ceremony…on her Facebook page. Yep. That’s the story. Criticizing the daughters for their short skirts and glum facial expressions is....a…
Letterman: Obama Gave Sasha Justin Bieber’s Phone Records For Her Bi
June 11th, 2013 9:08 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, even the Obama-loving David Letterman has been humorously attacking the current White House resident for all the scandals plaguing him.
On the CBS Late Show Monday, the host said that Obama gave daughter Sasha Justin Bieber’s phone records for her birthday (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Bashir Bashes Romney's 4th of July Holiday Plans, Gushes Over Obama's
July 2nd, 2012 8:04 PM
On MSNBC, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee can't even get fair treatment when he takes a vacation.
Far from it, host Martin Bashir on the program hysterically bearing his name Monday absolutely trashed the Fourth of July holiday plans of Mitt Romney while practically swooning over what President Obama and his family will be doing (video follows with transcript and commentary):

ABC's Muir: Will 'Deeply Felt Criticism in Africa Melt Under the Glow
June 26th, 2011 3:22 PM
As the First Lady and her daughters toured Africa last week, Americans were treated to puff piece after piece from their adoring fans in the press.
One such aired on ABC's "This Week" Sunday with David Muir actually saying, "Will some of that deeply felt criticism in Africa melt under the glow cast by Mrs. Obama and her girls?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

People Mag Provides Obama Five Pages for Photo Spread and Essay on Fat
June 13th, 2011 7:13 AM
People magazine loves Obama. In the top right corner of the June 20 issue is a picture of the president tenderly sitting with younger daughter Sasha on the White House lawn and the words “President Obama On Being a Good Father: Plus Exclusive Family Photos.” Inside are five pages of pictures of adoring daughters getting moments with Obama’s White House photographer Pete Souza. The…

Huffington Post Gushes 'Obamas Color-Coordinate At Basketball Game
November 29th, 2010 9:40 AM
The media's adoration of the first family knows no bounds.
Take the Huffington Post for example, which on Monday felt it was newsworthy to inform readers that when the Obamas attended a college basketball game this weekend, they actually wore the same colors as one of the competing teams: