Scott Johnson

CNN Imagined Anti-Semitism in Trump Ad, Ignores Ellison's Statements
November 17th, 2016 7:33 PM
The weekend before Election Day, Jake Tapper at CNN, interviewing Democratic Minnesota Senator Al Franken, used the classic "some people say" tactic to allege that there were anti-Semitic undertones in the Donald Trump campaign's closing ad. Why? Because three of the many people briefly pictured in the ad, in which the candidate criticized the political establishment's attitudes and actions which…

NYT Critic: 'Truth' Is 'Beautifully Executed Journalistic Thriller'
October 16th, 2015 7:44 PM
The New York Times has not merely climbed aboard the bandwagon of Truth, which exalts the fraudulent September 2004 CBS 60 Minutes report about President George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard Service. It's now serving as the film's de facto lead apologist.
The most recent example demonstrating how deeply in the tank the Old Gray Lady has gone is Stephen Holden's Thursday film review…
French Reporter: Arafat Donating Blood for 9/11 Was Staged Photo Op
January 27th, 2008 7:42 PM
Remember that touching picture of Yassar Arafat donating his blood to the 9/11 victims that was conveniently published after CNN ran footage of Palestinians cheering and handing out candy to celebrate the destruction in New York? Now France 2 journalist Charles Enderlin says that photo was staged; Arafat never gave blood.The photos were taken by an AP photographer with a history of biased…
Journalistic Babysitter Needed for The New Republic
September 5th, 2007 5:48 PM
Scott Johnson at Powerline argues that liberal opinion journal The New Republic really needs a grown-up in charge to clean up the magazine's act:Although the -- I believe the correct word is "venerable" -- Martin Peretz is nominally the editor-in-chief of the New Republic, the lack of adult supervision at the magazine has become painfully apparent in the course of the magazine's continuing…