Sheldon Adelson
Letterman Depicts Koch Brothers As Running 'Dirtbag Multinational Corp
August 23rd, 2012 3:24 PM
The media's seemingly incessant attacks on the Koch brothers continued Wednesday.
On CBS's Late Show, host David Letterman aired an insulting mock ad by the Republican National Committee that depicted the Kochs as running a "dirtbag multinational corporation" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Sarah Silverman Offers Sex Act to Romney Supporter Sheldon Adelson If
July 16th, 2012 5:30 PM
How far are some of Hollywood's liberals willing to go to get Barack Obama reelected?
On Monday, vulgar comedienne Sarah Silverman created a website featuring a totally profane video offering billionaire Mitt Romney supporter Sheldon Adelson a sexual favor to back the current White House resident instead.
Lefty Professor Sachs Hates Being Called Out On Adelson-Soros Double S
February 22nd, 2012 8:42 AM
Sometimes, an image says it all. Check out the screengrab after the jump of Jeffrey Sachs. The lefty professor is unabashedly angry at Joe Scarborough.
Why? Because the Morning Joe host called him out on his egregious double-standard. Sachs had labeled Republican Super PAC funder Sheldon Adelson "completely unlikable" and said he shouldn't be involved in American politics. But when…