Sister Toldjah
TIME Trumpets Mock Amazon Reviews of Wendy Davis's Sneakers
June 28th, 2013 5:00 PM
Unwritten but widely understood rule among left wingers for media coverage of filibusters: when done by conservatives, death knell of democracy, obstruction for obstruction's sake, close cousin to fascism; when done by liberals, heroism personified, this is what democracy looks like, cue Jimmy Stewart in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."
It wasn't enough for leftward media types to enthuse this…

Outrageous: Raleigh, N.C. CBS Affiliate Station WRAL Publishes Searcha
July 25th, 2012 5:33 PM
*Corrected from earlier | WRAL, the CBS affiliate in Raleigh, N.C., recently published a searchable database of concealed carry licensees within the "WRAL viewing area, including Chatham, Cumberland, Durham, Edgecombe, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Harnett, Hoke, Johnston, Lee, Moore, Orange, Nash, Northampton, Person, Sampson, Vance, Warren, Wayne, Wilson and Wake counties." Searches do not…