St. Louis Rams
NBC's Luke Russert : NFL Teams Slow to Sign Michael Sam After Release
September 4th, 2014 8:30 AM
Filling in for Alex Wagner on her MSNBC show Wednesday, Luke Russert had a segment on NFL player and defensive end Michael Sam, who was signed earlier in the day to the Dallas Cowboys after being released by the St. Louis Rams on Saturday. Russert opined that the reason there was a delay before Sam was signed by another team was not because of any media “distractions" or that he was not a good…

Colbert Throws Penalty Flag on Michael Sam's Gay Kiss for 'Holding!' a
May 13th, 2014 9:07 PM
Even though baseball season has finally arrived, the focus of last weekend's TV sports was the annual draft of college players to join teams in the National Football League. This year's selection was the first of its kind since Michael Sam, an open homosexual who “came out” in February, was among the hundreds of young men hoping to make the leap to professional sports.
After the African-…