
Blitzer Hammers Psaki Over Iran Deal, Video Editing Lies to the Media

June 3rd, 2016 3:39 PM
In her first TV interview since the State Department admitted to having intentionally deleted portions of a State Department press briefing, former State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki met the wrath of CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Friday afternoon as he minced no words in calling out Psaki and her predecessors for lying about the Iran nuclear agreement. 

Bozell Praises Tapper for Exposing State Dept's Lies in Video Scandal

June 3rd, 2016 3:17 PM
In a statement released Friday afternoon, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell commended CNN's Jake Tapper for running "the risk of ruining" his career to demand "accountability from the State Department" in light of "four separate lies told by the State Department" concerning the Iran nuclear deal and subsequent scrubbing of video from a press briefing.

Jake Tapper Goes Nuclear on State Dept. Over Video Editing Scandal

June 3rd, 2016 8:24 AM

During his “Buried Lead” segment on Thursday’s The Lead, CNN host Jake Tapper presented an incredibly thorough takedown of the State Department for not only aspects of the Iran nuclear deal but also their lies concerning intentional editing of press briefing videos dating back to 2013 concerning the deal. 


Nets Blackout Evidence of State Dept. Manipulating Video of Presser

June 1st, 2016 11:05 PM

Manipulating video to hide the truth seems to be all the rage in politics these days and so is the liberal media’s refusal cover it. “President Obama's State Department is admitting tonight that it deliberately edited out of its video records an exchange between our Chief Washington Correspondent James Rosen and the department's then spokeswoman [Jen Psaki],” reported Fox News’ Bret Baier,…


MSNBC Skips Hillary Dodging Press Conferences, Scathing E-Mail Critics

May 31st, 2016 7:36 PM
Late Tuesday afternoon, CNN and MSNBC were both granted interviews with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and while both had to nearly identical run times (seven minutes and 44 seconds on CNN versus seven minutes and 47 seconds on MSNBC), the two differed on a variety of issues ranging from Clinton’s e-mail scandal to her refusal to hold a press conference to the VA scandal.

MSNBC Guest: Hillary Should Have Jumped Off the Bridge on E-Mails

May 27th, 2016 12:59 PM
The panel on the Thursday edition of MSNBC’s Hardball had plenty to say about Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal in light of the State Department Inspector General (IG) report with Sanders supporter/former Democratic State Senator Nina Turner (Ohio) rebuking Clinton for essentially “jump[ing] off the bridge” with her predecessors into private e-mail even though she shouldn’t have.

Baier Absolutely Dismantles Hillary Spox on IG Report of Her E-Mails

May 25th, 2016 8:53 PM
Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon conducted a number of interviews on Wednesday in reaction to the State Department Inspector General’s scathing rebuke of Clinton’s private e-mail account and server, but none measured up to FNC’s Special Report host Bret Baier and his calm, thorough dismantling of Fallon. 

Matthews, Guest Mock Hillary Clinton Scandals as Boring ‘Garbage’

May 4th, 2016 9:04 PM
MSNBC viewers were treated to two hours of Hardball Wednesday night following Donald Trump being anointed the presumptive GOP presidential nominee and while previewing the believed match-up of Trump and Hillary Clinton, host Chris Matthews and a guest mocked Hillary Clinton scandals as “garbage” and conservatives invoking the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi as deranged.

Nobody Barnicle's Spoken To Thinks There's Indictable Hillary Offense

May 2nd, 2016 8:21 AM
Mike Barnicle's a guy from the Duke Ellington era, so I suppose it makes sense if he doesn't "get around much anymore." How else to explain his nonsensical statement on today's Morning Joe? When Joe Scarborough asked him why the FBI investigation of Hillary's email is taking so long, Barnicle said "I have not spoken to anyone who believes there is an indictable offense that has occurred."…

AP Reporter Outraged by State Dept. Spox's Claim About Troops in Syria

April 25th, 2016 11:24 PM

State Department spokesman John Kirby did a fist-pounding imitation of Baghdad Bob at a press conference today on the Obama administration's decision "to send 250 more troops to Syria." Note that the Associated Press report by Kathleen Hennessey linked in the first paragraph refers to "troops," not "advisers" or "trainers." This is important, because that AP report acknowledges that in…

CBS’s Dickerson: Hillary Clinton’s E-Mail Scandal Is ‘A Stupid Issue’

April 22nd, 2016 1:41 PM
In Slate’s weekly “Political Gabfest” podcast, CBS News political director and Face the Nation host John Dickerson proclaimed that Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal is “a stupid issue” unlike the debate over a $15 minimum wage because that’s “the central question of the campaign, which is how do you help people with wages.”

Hot Air Hammers MSNBC for Fibbing About Length of Benghazi Cmte

April 20th, 2016 3:12 PM
Hot Air editor Jazz Shaw offered an excellent piece on Tuesday completely debunking the false claim put forth on the Friday edition of MSNBC’s All In from fill-in host Steve Kornacki that the House Select Committee on Benghazi is the “longest running investigation” of its kind. Hoping to use a bogus chart to bolster his fib, Kornacki stood in contrast to even the liberal site Politifact as they…

CNN Fails to Ask Hillary About Scandals While Wallace Questions Obama

April 10th, 2016 1:59 PM
CNN's State of the Union host Jake Tapper scored the lone Sunday morning talk show interview with Hillary Clinton and, unfortunately, Tapper failed to ask her about either Benghazi, the e-mail scandal, or the Clinton Foundation and instead discussed Black Lives Matter protesters, a $15 minimum wage, the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and a contested convention.

Irony: CNN's Sellers Bemoans 'McCarthyite-type Attacks' on Hillary

April 3rd, 2016 2:51 PM
During the panel segment of CNN's State of the Union on Sunday, CNN political commentator and former Democratic State Representative Bakari Sellers (S.C.) complained that Hillary Clinton has been subject to "McCarthyite type attacks" during the campaign and particularly from socialist Senator Bernie Sanders over her close ties to Wall Street.