Stephen Braun

AP Claims Trump Wrong in Saying Bill Clinton 'Lost' His Law License
October 14th, 2016 9:56 PM
The latest installment of "Stupid Fact Checks" involves the Associated Press, which appears to be determined to deny the truth of any statement, no matter how obviously correct, made by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump or running mate Mike Pence. At Sunday's second debate, Trump said, "what President Clinton did, he was impeached, he lost his license to practice law, he had to pay an…

Shock: AP Spotlights 'Collapse' of Hillary Clinton's E-Mail Excuses
July 6th, 2016 3:58 PM
Stephen Braun and Jack Gillum touted how "key assertions by Hillary Clinton in defense of her email practices have collapsed under FBI scrutiny" in a Tuesday "fact check" for the Associated Press. Braun and Gillum examined several of Mrs. Clinton's key contentions in recent months regarding her e-mail scandal, and detailed the facts contrary to each of her statements. The two also pointed out…

AP: Bill Clinton's Shell Company Only Evidence of 'Complexity'
May 27th, 2015 3:57 PM
The Associated Press and Stephen Braun did all they could to cover for the Clintons yesterday.
First, the wire service attached the most boring headline imaginable to Braun's story about Bill Clinton's shell company shenanigans: "Bill Clinton company shows complexity of family finances." The message to subscribers, particularly the broadcast networks: "This is boring and time-consuming. Don't…

AP Rips Hillary's E-mail Claims: 'Striking Departure From the Norm'
March 11th, 2015 12:49 PM
On Wednesday, Jack Gillum and Stephen Braun of the Associated Press fact-checked five of Hillary Clinton's claims about her e-mail scandal from her Tuesday press conference. Gillum and Braun spotlighted that Clinton is "the only secretary of state known to have conducted all official unclassified government business on a private email address," and pointed out her "striking departure from the…

AP, Politico, Others Ignoring CNET Scoop: 'NSA Admits Listening to U.S
June 16th, 2013 12:17 PM
In a four-paragraph "Big Story" item time-stamped 10:48 a.m. ("CURRENT, FORMER OFFICIALS BACK SECRET SURVEILLANCE"), Stephen Braun at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, names several Sunday news program guests who he writes are "are supporting the government's collection of phone and Internet data following new revelations about the secret surveillance programs aimed at…

Let's See How Many in the Press Go After Obama for Misery Inflicted on
August 7th, 2012 11:59 PM
Since Mitt Romney is supposedly responsible for the death from cancer of a woman who died in 2006, seven years after the presumptive GOP nominee left Bain Capital, it seems more than fair to talk about what has resulted from the Obama administration's blatant favoritism towards UAW members while shafting former Delphi salaried workers.
Tonight, the Associated Press's Adwatch entry by Stephen…
New Scientist Names Liberal Wingnut a ‘Science Hero’ of
December 22nd, 2008 11:17 AM
It would seem New Scientist magazine recently decided to sacrifice credibility in the field of research. Journalistic research, anyway. In their recent article titled, "Science heroes and villains of 2008," New Scientist has taken the liberty of naming some noteworthy individuals in the field. As their opening salvo states (emphasis mine): The collective brain of New Scientist has come up…