Stephen Breyer

ABC Badgers Breyer: Isn't SCOTUS Acting 'Politically' In Recent Years?
ABC’s George Stephanopoulos badgered Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer on Tuesday's Good Morning America, over whether or not the highest court in the land had become political. The liberal justice was on the program promoting his new book, which argued justices follow “the rule of law” not political parties’ demands. But Stephanopoulos didn’t believe it, and grilled him on…

Avlon Slams Justice Breyer's Rationale For Not Resigning as 'Reckless'
CNN's resident "reality checker" John Avlon joined CNN Newsroom on Wednesday to say that whether or not liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer retires is a choice for him to make, but that he is still being reckless for not considering politics in that decision.

Toobin Rants Against Justice Breyer Refusing to Cave to Liberals
On Thursday's New Day show, CNN again catered to concerns by liberals who are worried that President Joe Biden will miss the chance to appoint a liberal to replace Stephen Breyer unless the Supreme Court justice retires in an hurry. Chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin even went into a rant against Justice Breyer for refusing to retire at age 82.

CNN Lets DNC Chair Accuse Supreme Court of Allowing Jim Crow Laws
On Friday morning, CNN was again acting as DNCTV as New Day co-host John Berman gave an unchallenged forum to DNC chairman Jaimie Harrison to complain about the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favor of Republican-supported voting integrity measures, with Harrison hyperbolically invoking Jim Crow laws.

Totenberg Actually Calls Out ‘Stupid’ Leftists Demanding Breyer Retire
The left-wing desperation to get liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to retire so President Biden can nominate a replacement has gotten so bad that even NPR’s Nina Totenberg denounced the “stupid approach” while appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday. She explained how such political pressure would likely backfire and ensure that Breyer remained on the high court.

PANIC! CNN Hosts Fret McConnell Will Block Biden Supreme Court Pick
On Tuesday's several CNN hosts fretted over the possibility that Republican Senator Mitch McConnell, if he becomes majority leader, will be block President Joe Biden from replacing liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer if his seat become vacant. Alisyn Camerota seemed even more concerned about the issue than her guest, Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

CNN Touts Liberal Push for Breyer to Retire from Supreme Court
On Friday morning, CNN's New Day spent an entire segment with The Nation's Elie Mystal that demanded liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to retire immediately and not linger a moment longer so that President Joe Biden can firm a liberal replacement or risk having Breyer or a Democratic senator die when either Republicans retake the Senate or the White House.

The Loss of Liberties During the Coronavirus Pandemic
If one can say the pandemic has had any positive side effect, it has been to help us focus on what the loss of liberties looks like. Such losses do not occur immediately but erode over time as people become increasingly comfortable with government claiming to know what is best for us. The Biden administration is proceeding on a downward spiral that has ended in lost liberties in nations of the…

Breyer Warns Against Court Cameras: Media Will Take Us Out of Context

NBC Shocked Supreme Court Would Dare Side With a Church Over the State

Charlie Rose Spins Anti-Gun Stephen Breyer as a ‘Pragmatist’

Supreme Court Nominees Always Too Conservative for the Liberal Media
Whomever Barack Obama selects to fill the vacancy left by the death of Antonin Scalia expect the liberal media to worry the selection isn’t progressive enough. As might be expected, journalists criticize the Supreme Court appointments made by Republican presidents as “hardline” and “very conservative.” But even the nominees elevated by recent Democratic presidents have been challenged as not…