Stephen Stromberg

WashPost Opinion Writer Loses It Over Roy Moore's GOP Victory
September 27th, 2017 12:50 AM
The labeling in the press's reaction to Roy Moore's victory over Luther Strange in Alabama's GOP Senate primary runoff Tuesday night has been negative and predictable. The dominant word, seen at both the home page of the New York Times's and at the Associated Press at about 11 p.m. on Tuesday, was "firebrand." But Washington Post opinion writer Stephen Stromberg went miles over the top in a…
WaPo Asks 'Who Cares' if President Golfs During Crisis, Forgets They D
June 15th, 2010 10:56 AM
Poor Barack Obama. Being president can take a lot out of him. That's why he needs to relax on the links, and relieve some stress into his golf game. No problem, says the Washington Post, the Gulf Spill can wait. This is the same Washington Post that berated President Bush for golfing while an armed conflict was taking place…in Israel.Not that suicide bombings in Israel are an unserious matter,…
Investor's Business Daily: Climategate Gets a Whitewash
April 17th, 2010 7:53 AM
The editorial page at Investor's Business Daily noticed what the major media ignored or downplayed, once again: the latest Climategate development. They headlined their Friday editorial "Climategate Gets a Whitewash." The University of East Anglia commissioned two independent inquiries into what became known as the Climate-gate scandal. But just how "independent" was the latest report? IBD wasn't…