YouTube Blacklists Crowder, Allows Russian Disinformation

June 7th, 2019 12:13 PM
As YouTube cuts off the ability of conservatives like comedian Steven Crowder and free speech advocates to support themselves on YouTube, it has allowed massive Russian disinformation to thrive. In the wake of revelations about Iranian subversion on Facebook and Russian accounts on Twitter seeking to “inflame opinions on both sides,” YouTube’s track record appears to be just as bad — or worse.…

Media Ignore Anti-NRA Dallas Organizer's Violent Criminal Past

May 7th, 2018 6:04 AM
Once again, protests against the NRA at its annual convention, this time in Dallas, have been pathetic. Turnout has been "shockingly small." One event had "maybe 100 (people), half of whom were journalists." An actress involved in the protest movement attended — accompanied by allegedly armed security guards, who illegally "chase(d) Texans out of a public park simply because they asked if she…

Crowder Exposes Media's Refusal to Report Antifa Violence and Tactics

September 30th, 2017 11:27 AM
The proactive, preemptive violence of so-called anti-fascists, aka "antifas," has gotten very light media exposure. It's fair to say that one big reason for this is the establishment press's reluctance to recognize or even report their violent and intricately planned attacks. A months-long undercover investigation by Steven Crowder and his producer found ample evidence of antifas' premeditated…

Steven Crowder Files Criminal Complaint Against Pro-Union Protester

December 15th, 2012 6:19 AM
The situation in Michigan resulting from the government's passage of “right to work" laws in a heavily unionized state reached a new level on Friday, when Fox News contributor Steven Crowder filed a complaint with the police regarding an attack on him by a protester. “By calling in, he's in essence filed a complaint,” said Richard Hale, the shift supervisor at the Lansing post of the…

Bozell: Media Obsessed with Supposed Tea Party Incivility Deliberately

December 14th, 2012 12:30 PM
The same media that were "obsessive about the need for civility in the American public conservation" is deliberately ignoring the utter lack of civility, and worse, violence, from the left as evidenced by union thug violence this past week in Lansing, Michigan, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell argued on the December 13 Hannity program. "What is key here is that reporters were there. That…

'Democratic Underground' Users Claim Steven Crowder Caused Michigan Un

December 12th, 2012 5:04 PM
Shame on Steven Crowder for brutally smashing his face down upon the tender closed fist of union member Tony Camargo. Although the network news shows are carefully avoiding committing themselves to real journalism by not reporting on union violence in Michigan, those of us who have access to the censored news via the Web are well aware of what is actually happening. And in order to keep up…

ABC, CBS, NBC Are Censoring Footgage of Union Thug Violence in Lansing

December 12th, 2012 12:13 PM
The pro-union broadcast networks are deliberately censoring footage of thuggish union violence directed at conservatives. If a Tea Partier had physically assaulted a liberal journalist or ripped down a structure occupied by a liberal organization all on video, the footage would be broadcast on an endless loop. ABC, CBS, and NBC have a responsibility to the American people to expose what’s…

USAT-Carried Report on Crowder Assault, AFP Tent Tear-Down: 'No Report

December 12th, 2012 1:16 AM
Perhaps hoping that readers wouldn't scroll down to peruse what followed, a Tuesday evening Detroit Free Press report by David Jesse and Lori Higgins carried at USA Today featured a video taking up my entire computer screen which consisted entirely of union protesters chanting slogans for 49 seconds. The pair's actual report carries a misleading headline ("Mich. governor signs anti-union…

‘Democracy’ in Action: Union Thugs Assault Right to Work Supporter

December 11th, 2012 3:41 PM
Union thugs across the nation are outraged that Michigan has become the latest state to pass a “right to work” law allowing people in unionized companies to choose whether or not they wish to join. Unions oppose such laws because they want people to be forced to join their ranks. Earlier today the union supporters turned violent as they attacked supporters of the Michigan law, tearing down a…

Liberal Websites Bash Steven Crowder for Not Having Pre-Marital Sex

September 28th, 2012 4:28 PM
Waiting to have sex until marriage? How 19th Century! According to liberal websites like “Jezebel” and “The Stir,” saving oneself for marriage is too old and out-dated for this “progressive” world we live in. Cue outrage from liberal mouthpieces when Steven Crowder, a conservative commentator and Fox News contributor, published his testimony on why he remained celibate until marriage.

Open Thread: Are Comedians Like Porn Stars

April 22nd, 2011 10:02 AM
Well, not all of them, but there's a troubling trend afoot, claims Steven Crowder in his latest video, embedded below the break. Crowder offers the vicious attacks against Trig Palin of late as evidence that comedy has, largely, devolved into a contest over who can best throw decency to the wind and offer the most vile, base "jokes" in the most gutless fashion. Check out the video and let us…