The Atlantic Touts JFK, Clinton as Cool Ladies Men, Trump as Pig

May 3rd, 2018 4:10 PM
Only a lefty magazine would publish a story that reminisces about the glory of former White House womanizers, while lamenting sexual antics of the current president. Yeah, yeah, Donald is a boor, and Clinton, and Kennedy were charming, photogenic playboys. This is getting tedious.  

Colbert Applauds Avenatti for ‘Using the Media’ to Trash Trump

May 3rd, 2018 11:54 AM
During an interview with Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti on Wednesday’s CBS Late Show, aired early Thursday morning, host Stephen Colbert congratulated the porn star’s legal counsel for effectively “using the media” to attack President Trump and even alluded to a Media Research Center study finding that Avenatti has made 59 appearances on CNN in less than two months.

CNN Hosts Porn Star's Lawyer 59 Times in Less Than Two Months

May 2nd, 2018 9:05 AM
CNN has exhibited a fetish for the Stormy Daniels story, particularly for her Trump-smacking lawyer, Michael Avenatti. In less than two months (from March 7 to April 30), Avenatti has been a guest on CNN a total of 59 times – an average of more than once per day.

OMG: Ryan Wonders If Scandals Make Trump an Illegitimate President

May 1st, 2018 4:26 PM
Well, that’s one way to show your partisan colors. American Urban Radio Networks correspondent and CNN political analyst April Ryan showed why she’s a chief White House press briefing carnival barker as she used Tuesday’s installment to wonder whether the various Trump scandals lay claim to credence to the notion that he’s an illegitimate President.

CNN Legal Analyst Calls Stormy Daniels Lawsuit a 'Publicity Stunt'

May 1st, 2018 1:55 PM
Tension rose to the red hot level on the set of CNN's AC360 on Monday when CNN legal analyst Paul Callan condemned the defamation lawsuit of Stormy Daniels against President Donald Trump as a "publicity stunt." Sitting right next to Callan was Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, who went absolutely ballistic over finally being challenged in one of his countless interviews on CNN (or MSNBC).

Media Ignore Lawsuit Claiming Hillary Campaign Laundered $84 Million

April 25th, 2018 11:00 PM
If there’s any doubt that the mainstream media will go to any lengths to protect fellow liberal Democrats, the fact that the journalists have avoided covering a lawsuit -- filed in D.C. district court exposing an $84 million money-laundering conspiracy by Democrats during the 2016 presidential election -- should erase it completely.

Media Send Stormy Daniels Multiple Invites to Correspondents’ Event

April 24th, 2018 1:52 PM
Liberal media favorite Stormy Daniels is making all the right connections in the anti-Trump world. And though it seems like she’s devouring the publicity, there’s still one Trump-bashing PR event that she’s reportedly reluctant to attend: the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner.  

Stormy Daniels Plans Donation to Planned Parenthood in Trump's Name

April 19th, 2018 10:53 AM
Anti-Trump It Girl Stormy Daniels is enjoying an obscene amount of publicity these days.  

Seriously? Cosmo Wants Stormy Daniels To Run for Office – Again

April 17th, 2018 4:16 PM
By now, the media’s extended coverage of porn star Stormy Daniels and her affair with President Trump has gone above and beyond a fever pitch.  

Meghan McCain Calls Out Stormy's 'Publicity Stunt... No Disrespect'

April 17th, 2018 3:59 PM
Just as ABC laid out the red carpet for James Comey on Sunday night, ABC’s “The View” laid out the red carpet for porn star Stormy Daniels on Tuesday, the only “live” interview...even if it mostly sounded like a warmed-over rehash of her 60 Minutes interview. Daniels and her lawyer Michael Avenatti were awarded almost 27 minutes of air time. The big difference was Meghan McCain, who suggested – “…

After Hyping Effort to Depose Trump, NBC Ignores Judge’s Rejection

March 30th, 2018 4:36 PM
On Wednesday, NBC’s Today show opened with this sensational declaration from co-host Savannah Guthrie: “Raising the stakes. Overnight, Stormy Daniels’ attorney asks a judge to depose President Trump. Will he be forced to testify about the alleged affair and the money paid to silence his accuser?” On Thursday, a judge denied that request, but NBC viewers would never know it because the network…

Flashback: Hillary and Media Scoffed at ‘Sleek, Sexy’ Accuser’s Payday

March 30th, 2018 1:45 PM
Given how much coverage the networks have devoted to Stormy Daniels’s claims of an affair with Donald Trump, it might be worth remembering what Hillary Clinton and ABC journalists reacted to Bill Clinton accuser Gennifer Flowers in 1992. Stormy Daniels received $130,000 from Trump’s lawyer before the 2016 election. Speaking of $130,000, here’s Hillary Clinton on the January 30, 1992 edition of…

MRC's Gainor: Media Focuses on Stormy Daniels, Ignores Trump On Russia

March 30th, 2018 9:32 AM
The liberal media have loved to air intense speculation about the possibility of Russian collusion with the Trump administration. It’s been almost non-stop. But when it comes to President Donald Trump’s recent toughness against Russia — expelling 60 diplomats — they’re far less interested.  

Lemon Teams with Pal, ‘Legendary Journalist’ Dan Rather to Blast Trump

March 29th, 2018 5:05 PM
Late Wednesday’s CNN Tonight served as another case of the liberal media worshipping fake news anchor Dan Rather as he was subjected to praise from host Don Lemon as “a legendary journalist” with insight pummeling President Trump over the Russia probe and Stormy Daniels.