
Colbert's Anti-Trump Show Mocks: 'Pence Is So Poor He Believes in God'

March 18th, 2018 10:34 PM
Stephen Colbert's Showtime program, Our Cartoon President, began with a 60 Minutes interview of President Trump conducted by Anderson Cooper in the episode titled “Wealth Gap.” Airing on March 18, 2018, this falls in place with the much-hyped real interview with the stripper/porn star to be aired by the CBS show in one week.

Kimmel Hopes for Trump Sex Tape, Promotes Stormy Daniels' Legal Fund

March 16th, 2018 2:23 PM
During his political-centric monologue on Thursday night, “America’s Conscience” and ABC’s late night host Jimmy Kimmel quipped that he’s “never wanted to see and not see anything more than I either do or do not want to see” a Donald Trump-Stormy Daniels sex tape and lobbied for donations to her legal defense fund so any sex tape(s) and/or explicit photo(s) can be made public.

View Touts Porn Star Suing Trump as Feminist Hero: ‘Empowered Woman!'

March 16th, 2018 2:04 PM
The media’s embarrassing adoration for the porn star who is suing President Trump seemingly has no end in sight, with another shameless display on Friday's The View, where the liberal hosts gushed over Stormy Daniels as some sort of feminist hero.

WashPost's Gerson: Evangelicals for Trump 'Slimy Political Operatives'

March 12th, 2018 11:23 PM
The Washington Post is not known as a staunch defender of Christianity, but a columnist for the liberal newspaper found a way to both criticize evangelicals in this country and slam President Donald Trump all in one stroke. While a guest during CBS’s Face the Nation program on Sunday morning, Michael Gerson -- a nationally syndicated columnist whose writing appears twice weekly in the Post and…

Stormy Saturday: CNN Salaciously Spends 41 Mins Visiting Strip Club

March 12th, 2018 3:11 PM
Put simply, CNN has a porn problem. For the so-called “Facts First” network, the President’s alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels has become their new missing Malaysian plane with exhaustive coverage and speculation. CNN took it to another level on Saturday, devoting roughly 41 minutes to her Friday performance at a Florida strip club.

WashPost Adores Stormy Daniels Tweets: A 'Very Smart Cat,' a 'Lion'

March 12th, 2018 1:26 PM
The Washington Post is so anti-Trump that they are praising the Twitter game of porn star Stormy Daniels as "quick, sassy, and most of all, unflappable and relentlessly thick-skinned." Style writer Monica Hesse tweeted out her favorite line from this valentine: "'Online, one of them is lewd, petulant and self-involved. The other is a porn star.' Parsing Daniels’s rhetorical gifts." Porn stars…

Category Five Stormy: CNN Primetime Spends 149 Mins Ogling Porn Star

March 8th, 2018 4:49 PM
At the Jeffrey Zucker-led CNN, they can be trusted to go all-out whenever they find a news story that they deem worth obsessing over. Whether it was the missing Malaysian plane or Sam Nunberg, CNN has proven itself incapable of covering more than one topic at a time. On Wednesday, CNN’s primetime programming showed that with over 149 minutes pushing the Trump scandal involving porn star Stormy…

Joy Behar: We ‘Need’ ‘Smoking Gun’ to ‘Impeach’ Trump Over Porn Star

March 8th, 2018 2:30 PM
ABC’s The View started off their show, March 8, by blasting White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders as an incompetent liar, and eagerly hoping the Stormy Daniels lawsuit would produce physical evidence to impeach President Trump.  

View Whines Obama Would’ve Been ‘Impeached’ Over Porn Star Scandal

March 7th, 2018 12:24 PM
As they’ve done before, the women at The View used the latest controversy over President Trump as a way to complain that President Obama had it worse. As news broke that porn star Stormy Daniels was back in the news again, suing President Trump, the View hosts whined that this story was just more proof of how Trump got away with everything, yet Obama faced unfair scrutiny.  

S.E. Cupp Calls Out Left’s Hypocrisy Over Clinton Accusers

January 26th, 2018 3:59 PM
CNN analyst and HLN host S.E. Cupp guest-hosted The View today, and used the occasion to push back against the table’s liberal spin. While talking about Stormy Daniels, Cupp called out the leftists in the media for choosing to believe the porn star’s account of her affair with President Trump, while they tore down and discredited President Clinton’s many accusers in the 1990s.

Kelly Devotes Half Her Show to Claims of Trump Affair With Porn Star

January 16th, 2018 2:08 PM
Despite repeatedly acknowledging that both parties “vehemently denied” accusations that Donald Trump had an affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels over a decade ago, on Tuesday, NBC News Megyn Kelly still devoted half of her 9:00 a.m. ET hour show to the claims. She even suggested that the disputed rumors somehow proved allegations against Trump featured in the discredited DNC-funded Russian…

CNN's Rick Sanchez: 'I Play It Down the Middle

February 14th, 2009 10:04 AM
CNN Newsroom anchor Rick Sanchez may want to give stand-up comedy a try if his career in journalism falters.  On Friday's program, Sanchez said - with a straight face:To be clear, we don't fit into any template here, Democratic or Republican or otherwise. I play it down the middle.Anyone who's seen Sanchez at work knows how funny that is.  Throughout his program posts from the microblogging…