CNN's Acosta Silences Pro-Life Advocate By Cutting Her Mic

June 27th, 2024 4:19 PM

In the past few days, CNN has demonstrated just how blatant their prejudice has become. From Kasie Hunt’s outrage over the network’s bias being called out to Thursday morning's display of censorship, President of Students for Life of America Kristan Hawkins being silenced on CNN Newsroom by host Jim Acosta.

Court Rules D.C. Wrongfully Arrested Pro-Lifers For Their Sidewalk Art

August 16th, 2023 1:44 PM

“If you open the door to free speech on the city streets to one group, you can’t shut it to others.”


Hawkins: ‘Without Free Speech, There Is No Pro-Life Movement’

January 26th, 2023 11:03 AM

Roe v. Wade may be history, but the fight for the rights of the unborn is far from over. Big Tech continues to flex its pro-abortion muscles, targeting pro-life activists and groups.

FLASHBACK: Big Tech Displays Its Chronic Pro-Abortion Bias

January 20th, 2023 2:11 PM

The U.S. Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs opinion marked a landmark win in the fight for the life of the preborn. Yet Big Tech has refused to budge on its pro-abortion stance. Social media platforms have banned, fact-checked and deleted content from the accounts of pro-life advocates and organizations.


SILENCED! China Government-Tied TikTok Bans 11 Pro-Free Speech Groups

September 1st, 2022 10:30 AM

The Chinese Communist Party-tied TikTok is muzzling conservatives and free thinkers by shutting down their accounts, typically with no explanation.

YIKES! CensorTrack Logs 4,000 Censorship Cases by Big Tech

June 29th, 2022 12:06 PM

MRC Free Speech America’s CensorTrack database hit another milestone as Big Tech continues its agenda to silence free speech online at a steady pace.

Twitter Censors MRCTV Video About Students for Life Arrest

August 3rd, 2020 11:50 AM

Twitter has allowed numerous videos of the Black Lives Matter protests and even Antifa riots on its platform. But a video about the Students for Life chalking a sidewalk gets slapped with a label for “potentially sensitive content.”


Nets Applaud ‘Historic’ Irish Abortion Vote as ‘Women’s Rights’ Win

May 29th, 2018 2:56 PM

Women matter, but only if they’re already born – at least according to the networks on Ireland’s recent abortion vote. On Friday, May 25th, Ireland voted to repeal the country’s Eighth Amendment that banned abortion. In many of their segments, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) framed the repeal as a win for “women’s rights” against a “highly restrictive” law.  


Nets Totally Ignore Pro-Life Walkout, Spent 10 Minutes on Gun Walkout

April 11th, 2018 11:08 PM
It was a tale of two protests. After a school walkout against gun violence in March, students across the country organized a pro-life walkout in support of the unborn and pregnant and parenting students. But the networks only covered one of them.

Pro-Lifers Warn of Taxpayer-Funded Abortions for Illegal Immigrants

October 20th, 2017 10:52 AM

While some in the media are reporting on pro-life leaders’ warnings of a “dangerous precedent” in a ruling insisting on abortion for an immigrant here illegally, other outlets are ignoring them.


Conservatives Demand: Nets Must Cover the March for Life

January 25th, 2017 11:24 AM
EToday the Alliance for Fair Coverage of Life Issues announces its second annual #CoverTheMarch campaign, calling on the media to cover the 2017 March for Life and cover it fairly. The annual event held in Washington, D.C. draws hundreds of thousands of peaceful participants from all over the country. This year's March for Life, Friday, January 27, marks the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the…

MSNBC Propagandizes Women’s March Is ‘Message of Unity’ or Anti-Trump

January 21st, 2017 11:49 AM
Yes, that headline does not contain a typo. All Saturday morning on MSNBC, the liberal cable network foolishly tried to convince viewers that the far-left, pro-abortion Women’s March would offer only “a message of unity” and not be “hateful or anti-Trump.” This is just not true. As my colleague and MRC Culture writer Katie Yoder has repeatedly chronicled, women’s groups with pro-life beliefs were…

ABC Fawns Over ‘Women’s March,’ Ignores Pro-Life Purge

January 17th, 2017 1:49 PM
It isn’t just the Women’s March on Washington that’s excluding pro-life women; the liberal media are doing the same during their nationally broadcast coverage of the event.

‘Women’s March’ Praises Abortion in New Platform; Rejects Pro-Lifers

January 13th, 2017 12:13 PM
According to the new platform just released by the Women’s March, “women” only stands for “women who agree with us.”