Sudhin Thanawala

AP Fails to Report Judge's No-Conspiracy Claim in Cities' Climate Suit
March 23rd, 2018 12:36 AM
On Wednesday, a U.S. judge began considering lawsuits brought by San Francisco and Oakland, California claiming that multinational oil companies conspired to keep the alleged facts about alleged global warming from the public. Clearly the most newsworthy development, reported by advocates and skeptics alike, is District Judge William Alsup's contention that evidence submitted by plaintiffs of…
NYT Takes 'Gun' Out of AP's Original 'Gun, Corruption Charges' Leland
March 29th, 2014 9:03 AM
It's no secret that the folks who run the New York Times are big fans of gun control. It turns out that they also favor controlling the use of the word "gun" in headlines about Democrats.
Over at National Review's Campaign Spot yesterday, regarding the news of Democratic California Senator Leland Yee's arrest, Jim Geraghty noted: "The New York Times greeted that news with a one paragraph…