Terry Jones

Mike Barnicle Suggests Prosecuting Pastor Terry Jones In American Amba
September 12th, 2012 9:09 AM
Mike Barnicle has suggested that the Department of Justice consider prosecuting Florida pastor Terry Jones in the death of the American ambassador to Libya and deaths occurring during riots last year in Afghanistan. Hat tip readers Melody, Jonathan R., Ray R.
Barnicle made his suggestion on today's Morning Joe, during a discussion of the attacks on the American embassy in Cairo, Egypt and…
Sharia Compliance in Dearborn, Michigan
April 27th, 2011 12:39 PM
The RINO (reverend in name only) Terry Jones is like his fellow RINO, Fred Phelps, but in political drag.
Jones, the "pastor" (PINO?) of the tiny and inconsequential Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., was jailed last week in Dearborn, Mich., "following a jury trial that found he was likely to create a 'breach of the peace' for plans to protest outside the Islamic Center of…

'Hardball' Guest: 'We Libs Are Good at Calling Out Right Wingers When
April 23rd, 2011 12:38 PM
A left-leaning guest on MSNBC's "Hardball" got into quite a heated debate with Chris Matthews Friday when she tried to point out some classic liberal hypocrisy.
In a segment dealing with Florida's Koran-burning Pastor's desire to protest a mosque in Dearborn, Michigan, progressive Muslim author Irshad Manji supported Terry Jones's first amendment rights marvelously pointing out, "We liberals…

Joe Klein Reserves Spot in Hell for Koran-burning Pastor Who's As 'Mur
April 4th, 2011 6:09 PM
Burning a copy of the Koran is morally equivalent to flying a plane into the World Trade Center and equally eternally damnable.
That's essentially the fatwa of Time magazine's Joe Klein in an April 1 blog post at the magazine's Swampland blog.
Klein was condemning Florida pastor Terry Jones's "trial" and subsequent burning of a Koran which allegedly have sparked a murderous rampage against…
Islamophobia-obsessed Media Silent on Anti-Semitic 'Hate Crimes' at In
December 8th, 2010 1:24 PM
Most Americans are probably unaware that Jews were the victims of more than eight times as many anti-religion hate crimes last year as were Muslims. And the reason is simple: anti-Muslim crimes receive far more media attention.
Case in point: the media has been all but silent on a slew of anti-Semitic acts of vandalism at Indiana University, coinciding with the beginning of the celebration of…
Infatuated With Clergy Condemning Koran-burning, Media Now Silent as M
September 23rd, 2010 11:58 AM
UPDATE (9/30 - 1:13 pm): The Society of Professional Journalists emailed me requesting a correction. Clarification - though no correction - below the fold. When American religious leaders spoke out against the planned burning of Korans by a crazy Florida pastor, it was a hot news item. Likewise, when another group of clergy condemned the supposed "anti-Muslim frenzy" in the United States, the…
What If Pastor Terry Jones Had Called His Koran Burning 'Art
September 15th, 2010 3:53 PM
People have asked me my opinion of the Rev. Terry Jones' threat to burn the Quran this past weekend. Personally I think the best thing to do with this story is to not give this insignificant media-hound with all of fifty parishioners avoice. But it's way too late for that now. So, of course I find the action in poor taste - I would never burn any religion's sacred parchment. That is just wrong…
Rachel Maddow Hits Two-Year Mark at MSNBC With Signature Dishonesty
September 14th, 2010 3:57 PM
Not how I'd mark an anniversary, but MSNBC is flexible in its alleged standards.On Sept. 8, Rachel Maddow told viewers it was two years since her cable show started on MSNBC. And what better way to enter her third year of televised liberal polemics than with Maddow's trademark melding of smarm and deceit. The following night, Maddow railed at Newt Gingrich and Citizens United for producing and…
One Day After Rev. Jones Hits NBC, David Gregory Said No One Should Gi
September 13th, 2010 11:30 PM
Rev. Terry Jones may have announced on Saturday's Today that he wouldn't be burning any Korans, but on Sunday Today, NBC Meet the Press host David Gregory was suggesting Jones wasn't worthy of anyone's airtime: "I don't see why this pastor Jones has any sort of forum or any platform that's worthy of discussion."Did Gregory lose that debate inside NBC? When asked by anchor Jenna Wolfe about the…
Jealous? Al Sharpton Complains Media's 'Imbalanced and Unfair' When Te
September 13th, 2010 11:01 PM
Rev. Al Sharpton, last seen leading a small leftist counter-protest of Glenn Beck's rally in Washington on August 28, complained on his radio show Friday that Rev. Terry Jones shouldn't have gotten media attention because he's doing "nothing but hatemongering." (Al Sharpton, by contrast, is the Apostle of Love.) A lot of people wonder why we in civil rights get attention. Now we can produce our…
Scarborough: Right-Wing Bloggers Criticizing Mika For Cutting Off Past
September 13th, 2010 9:23 AM
Crazy? I'll give you crazy . . . Last Friday Mika Brzezinski and Morning Joe engaged in some strange and possibly unprecedented TV "journalism." They invited Terry Jones—the potentially Koran-burning pastor—on the show via live feed, gave former Newsweek editor Jon Meacham the chance to lecture him about Christianity and implore him not to proceed with his plan . . . then summarily cut the…
WaPo Implies U.S. 'Islamophobia' Emerges in a 'Vacuum' of Ignorance, L
September 13th, 2010 8:46 AM
Washington Post religion reporter Michelle Boorstein is generally a careful reporter, not prone to outbursts of liberal bias. But the general liberal-media bias that ignorance breeds "Islamophobia" came through between the lines in a Monday story on the aftermath of the Koran-burning publicity stunt week in Florida: In fact, like much of the country, Gainesville's racial and religious diversity…
Dan Rather Smacks Down Entire Matthews Panel Over Media Hyping Koran B
September 12th, 2010 11:34 PM
Dan Rather this weekend smacked down the entire panel of the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" over the press hyping Pastor Terry Jones's threats to burn Korans on the ninth anniversary of 9/11."Media in general bear some responsibility here by running so hard with this story so early and putting such comments as you just said not only on the air, but high on the air, giving it play," Rather said.…
ABC’s Richard Clarke Suggests Obama Inauguration Speech Helped Make
September 11th, 2010 4:13 PM
On Saturday’s Good Morning America on ABC, during a discussion of the Ground Zero mosque and the possibility of Koran burning in Florida by Pastor Terry Jones, after anchor Dan Harris brought up the naive liberal expectation that President Obama would be able to improve relations with the Muslim world because of his family connections to Islam and his inaugural speech reaching out to Muslims, ABC…