Wacky Thom Hartmann: Networks Were Forbidden Since Reagan to Talk of P

November 11th, 2011 10:55 PM
Listening to liberal talk radio is sometimes like just listening to the world being turned upside down. Liberal hosts make claims that are demonstrably ridiculous, and expect listeners to lap it up. Case in point: Thom Hartmann praised the Occupy Wall Street protesters for changing the media conversation. He claimed that ever since Reagan was elected, the media has forbidden any discussion of…

Thom Hartmann Says Broadcasting 'Dumb' Quotes From Wall Street Protest

October 5th, 2011 8:37 PM
And if you laughed at those remarks, you're a criminal too. Or at the very least, a thought criminal. Yes, you. Liberal radio host Thom Hartmann is peeved that media outlets such as Fox News and CNN are covering the so-called Occupy Wall Street movement and allegedly interviewing only the most "politically unsophisticated" protesters, after searching all of nanoseconds to find them. (audio…

Thom Hartmann: Conservatives Are 'Powerful Strain of Anti-Americanism

August 30th, 2011 10:59 PM
Leave it to Thom Hartmann, the liberal radio host, to assert that conservative Republicans are un-American, because apparently, unless you love Big Government, you're not very American. He not only said that on Monday's show. He asserted that if there were such a thing as a "sentient deity" he would be urgently send us the message "Stop pumping carbon into your atmosphere!" Is it any wonder…

What, the Frack? Thom Hartmann Blames Earthquake on Fracking for Gas

August 25th, 2011 10:57 PM
Brian Maloney at Radio Equalizer offered the latest in liberal earthquake conspiracy theories: liberal radio host Thom Hartmann has found the cause, and it is "fracking" for natural gas. This is becoming a pet cause on the left, leading some to sue fracking energy companies for earthquake damage. Maloney began with sarcasm: "Thank goodness our 'progressive friends are a go-to source on '…

Thom Hartmann Props Up Liberal Myth That Reagan Deemed Government 'Evi

July 5th, 2011 3:36 PM
Liberals are insistent that conservatives quote the Second Amendment in its entirety, with emphasis on its first clause -- "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Liberals are more cavalier when it comes to quoting one of Ronald Reagan's most famous remarks, from his first inaugural…

RFK Jr. Claims Air America Was More Popular Than Conservative Radio

June 25th, 2011 10:46 PM
... which helps explain why conservative radio continues to dominate the airwaves while Air America Radio, uh, went kaput. During a recent appearance on Tavis Smiley's PBS show, enviro lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose "Ring of Fire" show ran on Air America, made what reasonable souls among us might construe as a questionable claim. Here's Kennedy responding to a question from Smiley on…

Thom Hartmann: 'The Job Creators Are the People on Welfare

June 22nd, 2011 6:41 AM
Sometimes, it can be heartwarming to listen to the radio and hear the sound of the Seventies. That's not true for the Thom Hartmann radio show. On Friday, Hartmann parlayed some classic 1971 socialist economics about who should get credit for the economic recovery: The job creators are the people on welfare. The job creators are the people who are on unemployment. They’re the people who are…

Radio Mud: Thom Hartmann Responds to Weiner With Old Enquirer Boehner

June 19th, 2011 5:43 PM
The sour grapes were incredibly sour on the Thom Hartmann radio show on Thursday when they led off with the news that Anthony Weiner was resigning. Broadcasting live from the Netroots Nation hootenanny in Minneapolis, Hartmann went right from an admitted sex scandal to an unproven old story from last November in the National Enquirer: Looks like Anthony Weiner’s about to step down. John…

Liberal Radio Talkers Take Polls on Japan

March 17th, 2011 7:00 AM
Several liberal talk-radio hosts are pandering to listeners by taking polls on just how despicable Republicans are in response to the horrifying disaster in Japan and the scary nuclear-power issues. The poll at Thom Hartmann's website asks: Will the Republicans succeed in cutting Tsunami funds? -- Yes! You gotta give tax breaks to millionaires and the money has to come from somewhere. --…

Thom Hartmann Derides 'Sarah bin Palin' For Not Coming 'Out of Her Cav

January 14th, 2011 7:38 AM
Agreed, the parallels between Palin and bin Laden are uncanny. To say nothing of women appearing so frequently to speak on behalf of al Qaeda. If liberals have a strong case against Palin, why do they say such stupid things about her? (audio) -- HARTMANN: (After music at start of segment, "Give Peace a Chance," from bellicose pacifist John Lennon):  Sarah Palin. She hasn't come out of…

Thom Hartmann: Gingrich, Palin, 'Whole Right-Wing Crazy Train' Threate

September 12th, 2010 9:30 AM

Liberal Talk Show Host Thom Hartmann Says It’s Time for Gay 'Reparat

August 6th, 2010 7:46 AM
It's one thing to have liberal guilt, but this is taking it way too far.  In a video posted to YouTube on Aug. 5, popular liberal talk host Thom Hartmann, identified what he considered was the appropriate way to cope with this guilt type, specifically that of which came with the issue of LGBT rights. Hartmann hails himself as "the 10th most important talk show host in America, and the No. 1 most…

Bozell Column: Obama the Gipper

July 13th, 2010 11:57 PM
The Political Left is in a meltdown. There’s no way to sugarcoat the calamity. It is falling apart. It sees the tide has turned and a possible tsunami is building, ready to crest and explode in November, washing all their dreams away. How could this be happening to them?Could it be that trillion dollar disaster otherwise know as the “stimulus,” that emergency measure needed to save the economy by…

Essay: Newsweek and Air America Join Forces -- Both Reputations Tarnis

March 16th, 2009 9:12 AM
Notes: This first appeared in today's Human Events.   We first reported this on March 11th.A Gust of Hot Air (America)It's official -- what we the sentient public, doctor and dentist patients in waiting rooms across America and the eight diehards still subscribing have long known: Newsweek is a horrendously biased left-wing rag.  Newsweek announced on Tuesday that they are partnering with…