Thomas Olmsted

Calling Dr. Orwell: WaPo Tries to Help ACLU Define Abortion, Contracep
December 23rd, 2010 12:02 PM
Liberals have claimed that conservatives wage a war on "science," but when it comes to social liberalism, they are often at odds with scientific reality. For example, they will define a woman as "He" and a man as "She" if the person in question simply decides that's how they want to be addressed. Or, in Thursday's Washington Post, the words "reproductive care" are used, without quotes, to…

ABC: Catholic Bishop Excommunicated 'Saintly' Nun Who Supported Aborti
December 22nd, 2010 9:32 PM
ABC's Dan Harris gave a slanted report on Wednesday's GMA about the Catholic bishop of Phoenix, Arizona stripping a hospital there of its Catholic status: "This is a story that involves a nun, described as saintly; a Catholic bishop; a world-class hospital; and a controversy now being discussed across the country." Harris unnecessarily introduced the priestly sex scandal into his report, and…
Lisa Miller: Catholic Church's 'Authoritarian Meddling' Against Dissid
May 28th, 2010 2:52 PM
Newsweek's Lisa Miller again lashed out against the Catholic Church in her column on Thursday, defending an excommunicated Catholic nun in Arizona for her "compassionate and impossible decision" in supporting a hospital patient's abortion. Miller also condemned a Vatican cardinal's investigation into American nuns as a whole as "authoritarian meddling."The religion editor for the dwindling…