Thomas Peters

WaPo: Dissenting Lefty Nun ‘Part Zen Master, Part Political Tacticia
June 28th, 2012 1:42 PM
Liberal media outlets have never met a dissenting Catholic they didn’t like. The flavor of this month – a liberal nun and her publicity tour group for “social justice” – got the requisite puff piece in The Washington Post to complete the adoration heaped on them by CNN, Time, and MSNBC.
In her June 27 article “The Nuns on the Bus tour promotes social justice – and turns a blind eye to the…

Dramatic Front Page WashPost Story of Lesbian-Scarred-by-Priest Scanda
March 7th, 2012 4:47 PM
On February 29, The Washington Post created a scandal for the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington by dramatizing the denial of communion to lesbian activist Barbara Johnson at her mother’s funeral. Reporter Michelle Boorstein painted an emotional picture of a Catholic daughter being publicly shamed by a priest at her lowest moment.
But new details keep ruining the Post’s report. Thomas Peters…
AP: 'Unsettling' Conservative Catholics 'Aim to Purge Dissenters
October 25th, 2010 6:36 PM
In a Monday article, Rachel Zoll of the Associated Press played up the efforts of Catholic "theological conservatives" online who "say the church isn't Catholic enough" and are "unsettling the church." Zoll even quoted from a Vatican analyst for a heterodox Catholic publication who dubbed the phenomenon "Taliban Catholicism," with the slight caveat that "liberals can fit the mindset too." The…
MRC's Bozell, American Papist Blogger Discuss Harry Knox's Anti-Cathol
February 8th, 2010 11:04 AM
Anti-Catholic bigot and Obama faith-based initiative advisor Harry Knox must be fired, Media Research Center's Brent Bozell and numerous other conservative signatories demanded in an open letter to President Barack Obama.Picking up on the story, "Hannity" substitute host Tucker Carlson had Bozell and fellow signatory American Papist blogger Thomas Peters on the Friday, February 5 show to discuss…