Tim Geithner

CBS’s Schieffer Fails to Challenge Timothy Geithner’s Claim That
May 18th, 2014 12:28 PM
Former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, May 18 to promote his new memoir Stress Test, yet host Bob Schieffer barely touched on the most controversial aspect, that the Obama Administration had directed him to spin negative aspects of Obama’s policies.
Schieffer briefly asked his guest “Did the administration ever try to get you to put a more…

Laura Ingraham Suggests Geithner Should Have Resigned When Asked to Li
May 13th, 2014 9:49 AM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's Fox and Friends on FNC, conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham asserted that former Obama administration Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner should have resigned when he was asked to lie about the role Social Security plays in the federal government's fiscal problems.
After a quote from Geithner's book, Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises, in which…

George Stephanopoulos Pushes Geithner to Back Hillary 2016, Skips Obam
May 12th, 2014 6:34 PM
Tim Geithner appeared on Good Morning America, Monday, to promote his new book. While co-host George Stephanopoulos avoided negative comments about the Obama administration, he made sure to tout praise of Hillary Clinton and to lobby for an endorsement. After the former Treasury Secretary explained how he recommended Clinton as a possible replacement, the GMA anchor enthused, "Is she your…
CBS: 'Self-Evident' Middle Class Will Spend More If Taxes Stay Same; P
December 6th, 2012 3:20 PM
"Militantly non-partisan" Major Garrett sounded more like an Obama administration flack on Thursday's CBS This Morning as he spotlighted the President's latest P.R. stunt. Garrett noted Obama's plan to visit a northern Virginia middle-class family and claimed that the Democrat was underlining the "self-evident point that if the there is a deal and their taxes aren't raised by about $2,000, they…

Let's See How Many in the Press Go After Obama for Misery Inflicted on
August 7th, 2012 11:59 PM
Since Mitt Romney is supposedly responsible for the death from cancer of a woman who died in 2006, seven years after the presumptive GOP nominee left Bain Capital, it seems more than fair to talk about what has resulted from the Obama administration's blatant favoritism towards UAW members while shafting former Delphi salaried workers.
Tonight, the Associated Press's Adwatch entry by Stephen…
Administration's Protection: AP's Gordon Turns 'Liebor' Hearing Into a
July 26th, 2012 1:34 AM
No matter how inane or damning his comments and answers to inquiries, it appears that Obama Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner can continue to count on favorable coverage from the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, aka the Administration's Protection.
The AP's Marcy Gordon, with the help of her story's headline writer, made Geither's appearance before the House Committee on…

CBS's Rose Hits Geithner From the Left; Fails To Mention High Unemploy
July 24th, 2012 6:22 PM
Charlie Rose omitted mentioning the continuing high unemployment rate as he interviewed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. Rose also forwarded a criticism Geithner from the left, that the Cabinet official was "too friendly to the banks, because he knew them from his years at the New York Fed."
The anchor also didn't challenge the Obama administration official's…

Gasparino at NY Post on 'Lie-bor' Scandal: 'Geithner Yawned at Epic Fr
July 16th, 2012 4:53 PM
Here's how a "Business Highlights" item at the Associated Press summarized the situation between Timothy Geithner and London banks whose officials had admitted to rigging the London Interbank Offered Rate ("Libor") on Friday evening: "The Federal Reserve Bank of New York released documents Friday that show it learned five years ago of big banks understating their borrowing costs to manipulate a…

AP Coverage of 'Lie-bor' Scandal Fails to Note That Geithner Ran the N
July 11th, 2012 12:42 PM
Not only is the Associated Press aptly currently described as the Administration's Press -- as least as long as the White House's current occupant remains there -- it also seems to be serving as the Administration's Protection.
In a story about the "Lie-bor" scandal, wherein British banks have admitted to colluding to set the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) -- arguably the world’s most…

The Press Should Not Assume That the Debt Ceiling Won't Be Hit Until
May 27th, 2012 10:09 PM
A Los Angeles Times editorial on May 23, naturally accompanied by a dour photo of House Speaker John Boehner, stated as if it's an indisputable fact that the August 2011 debt deal raised the ceiling by "enough to last until the end of 2012 or early 2013." A Saturday AP report by Ken Thomas and Jim Kuhnhenn so filled with distortions that it's virtually unreadable asserted, again as if it's a no…

Open Thread: With Debt Limit Deal Passed, Will Geithner Resign
August 3rd, 2011 11:07 AM
In June, the Treasury Department announced that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was considering resigning once the debt crisis was averted. With the debt limit deal passed yesterday, the speculation of his departure date is once again making the airwaves.
Leaving now would allow Geithner to leave on a much better note than he could have, but could also create a vacancy in an important cabinet…

George Stephanopoulos Worries That Tiny 2012 Budget Cuts Will 'Hurt' t
August 2nd, 2011 11:44 AM
Apparently, cutting a $3.7 trillion budget by $21 billion will hurt the economy. Talking to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on Tuesday, Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos worried about the just-agreed to debt deal: "But, don't you think that any deficit reduction now will hurt the attempts of the economy to recover?"
The former Clinton White House official turned journalist…
Dayton Paper's 'Seniors Fear' Story Likely All Too Typical
July 26th, 2011 10:14 PM
If there's a reason why Dayton Daily News staff writer Drew Simon wrote his Tuesday morning story ("Seniors fear losing Social Security checks") other than to scare the elderly, I don't know what it is.
Nowhere in his report did Simon say who was the first person to invalidly raise the specter of Social Security checks not going out on August 2 (it was President Barack Obama, in case you…