FLASHBACK: Decades of Lib Media Fawning Over Democratic Veeps

August 4th, 2024 10:06 AM

Any day now, we’ll learn who Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen as her 2024 running mate. But there’s no suspense about how the media will react, since liberal journalists have consistently praised and promoted every Democratic vice presidential nominee since the early 1990s.


MSNBC Tees Up Anti-Birth Dem to Spread 'Dangers' of a 'Post-Dobbs" USA

August 3rd, 2022 4:36 PM

Now that the January 6 hearings are taking a hiatus before its new season, it seems like Morning Joe is struggling to find things to gripe about. So on Tuesday, they decided to conduct an experiment using Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), hoping he’d be a pawn in their plot to push their pro-abortion agenda. Their experiment worked.


Mitchell Spins: Is Chinese Consulate Closing 'To Find a Scapegoat'

July 23rd, 2020 3:21 PM

Andrea Mitchell welcomed Virginia Senator and former vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine onto her Wednesday show to discuss the State Department ordering the Chinese consulate in Houston to be closed by Friday. Mitchell wondered if the decision was just political grandstanding by President Trump to distract from his failing on the pandemic.


Todd Urges Trump Impeachment: ‘How Much More Do You Need to Know?'

January 14th, 2019 3:06 PM
In a softball interview with Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine on Sunday’s Meet the Press, moderator Chuck Todd wondered if a report in the New York Times about the FBI investigating President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia in 2017 meant it was time for congressional Democrats to begin impeachment proceedings.

Kristian Denny Todd Gives $13,250 to Kaine, Other Democrats This Cycle

August 2nd, 2018 7:24 AM
NBC's Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd has an ongoing conflict of interest in political coverage with his wife, Kristian Denny Todd, whose Maverick Mail & Strategies firm does direct-marketing campaigns for Democrats. A search of the campaign-finance database Open Secrets shows Mrs. Todd has donated $13,250 to federal candidates so far in this election cycle, all of them Democrats.

CNN's Hoover: Democrats 'Deserve' to 'Have a Heyday in November'

June 16th, 2018 11:54 AM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, liberal Republican CNN contributor Margaret Hoover advocated voting for Democratic candidates against pro-Donald Trump Republicans, and proclaimed that Democrats "deserve" to "have a heyday in November."

Naturally: CBS Turns to Clinton’s VP Nominee for Comey Reaction

April 16th, 2018 12:58 PM
Who better than Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential nominee to respond to James Comey’s book tour? Tim Kaine and fellow partisan Democrat Adam Schiff were the only politicians brought on CBS This Morning, Monday, to comment on Comey’s hour-long interview on ABC. Co-host John Dickerson tossed this softball to the man who was almost vice president: “Let me ask you about James Comey. Hillary Clinton…

Morning Joe Attacks Trump For Highlighting Clinton-Uranium Scandal

October 19th, 2017 12:05 PM
On Thursday’s Morning Joe, after days of ignoring The Hill’s latest reporting confirming an extensive racketeering scheme organized by Russian government officials that appeared to directly benefit Bill and Hillary Clinton, the show finally decided to cover the story. However, instead of getting worked up about unethical or possibly illegal Clinton-Russian collusion, hosts Joe Scarborough and…

'The Simpsons' Hilariously Memorializes Clinton Campaign

April 30th, 2017 10:11 PM
I have to give it to The Simpsons on this one. They know when something is clearly past its time. This week’s episode of the Fox sitcom tackles two things that just didn’t die fast enough: the Pokémon Go fad and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. 

WashPost Won't Tag Tim Kaine's Smear in Opposing Gorsuch As False

March 31st, 2017 9:14 PM
Virginia Democratic Senator and former vice-presidential candidate Tim Kaine announced on Thursday that he will oppose President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch. The smear Kaine has employed to justify his opposition has generated well-deserved criticism, especially in the Commonwealth. The Washington Post's alleged fact-checking operation, however, has given him an…

Presentador de Univision le pide a Twitter que suspenda cuenta Trump

February 8th, 2017 9:14 PM
El presentador del Noticiero Univisión: Edición Nocturna, Enrique Acevedo, se encuentra en la ciudad de Washington para encabezar la cobertura de los primeros cien días de la presidencia de Donald Trump por la cadena. Hasta ahora esa cobertura ha consistido más que nada en una contraprogramación de la "resistencia" al presidente por la oposición política, incluida una exigencia de Acevedo a…

Matthews Sneers: Ted Cruz’s ‘Unpleasantness’ ‘Is Immeasurable’

February 8th, 2017 8:54 PM
On Wednesday’s Hardball, host Chris Matthews took his latest cheapshot at Republican Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.), ruling that “[h]is unpleasantness...is immeasurable” after hearing a clip of Cruz criticizing Democrats for whining about Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) being silenced on the Senate floor. In contrast, Matthews showcased the utmost affection for Democratic Senator Tim Kaine (Va.) and…

Trump Twitter Account Targeted By Univision Anchor

February 6th, 2017 5:09 PM
Univision's late night news anchor, Enrique Acevedo, has temporarily relocated to Washington, D.C. to help the network cover the first 100 days of the Trump Administration. But coverage so far appears to be little more than Resistance counterprogramming, including Acevedo's demand that Twitter cancel Trump's account.

Bozell & Graham Column: The Year of the Fact Checker??

November 9th, 2016 8:41 AM
CNN’s Brian Stelter sent around an Election Day e-mail declaring “This is the year of the fact-checker.” He joked “Trump made fact-checking great again.” It's time to fact-check the fact checkers. In fact, it's already been done. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, just 29 percent of likely voters trust media fact-checking of the candidates, while 62 percent believed the media “skew the facts…