Tony Dungy

Sports Media Gets Woke: Attacks on Tony Dungy and Ivan Provorov
Once upon a time there was free speech in America.

Dungy Humbles Woke Mob After They Came For His Head
Former Indianapolis Colts head coach Tony Dungy was vehemently criticized by unhinged leftists for supporting a pro-fatherhood bill signed by Fla. Gov. Ron DeSantis. Dungy, who currently resides in Tampa, said that he thinks that HB 7065 will have a lasting, positive impact on fatherhood in the Sunshine State.

Sportswriter Attacks Dungy for Citing QB's Faith As Success Factor

Tony Dungy, Israel and the Media's Selective Religion Bigots

Michael Eric Dyson Compares Tony Dungy to 'White Racists' on 'The Ed S