Media Debate Fail: Obama, the Auto Bailout and China

October 23rd, 2012 9:52 AM
In their third Presidential debate analysis, the Jurassic Press Media last night and thus far this morning have failed utterly in their role as fact checker and record-corrector - at least when it comes to what President Barack Obama had to say.  As but one glaring example, there were the President’s absurd assertions regarding the auto bailout and China.

Talk is Cheap: DNC Funded by Corporations

October 19th, 2012 12:48 PM
While this will almost certainly remain unreported on the broadcast news networks, the Associated Press is reporting that the Democratic National Convention Committee accepted at least $5 million in corporate donations and borrowed another $8 million in order to reach its $36.7 million budgetary goal, according to the financial disclosure reports that were filed with the Federal Election…

Bozell: Media Obama's 'Overeager Labrador Retriever' Biting Romney At

September 21st, 2012 11:27 AM
We’ve seen this play out over and over and over again. If it hurts Barack Obama’s chances of re-election, the media ignore it. If it hurts Mitt Romney, they obsess over it night after night. We saw it in July when Obama disparaged small business and at this point in the cycle the networks had given it ZERO coverage. We saw it last week when the networks relentlessly attacked Romney’s…

ABC Forced to Respond to MRC Complaints on Skimpy Convention Coverage

September 17th, 2012 4:30 PM
An executive producer at Good Morning America was forced to defend ABC's skimpy convention coverage, huffing that the network stressed quality over quantity. The Associated Press on Monday picked up a report by the Media Research Center pointing out that ABC had the least amount of convention coverage, less than half than that of CBS. When pressed on it by the AP's David Bauder, Good Morning…

Still Obsessed: ABC Scolds Eastwood's 'Controversial' 'Chair Stunt

September 17th, 2012 12:27 PM
Clint Eastwood appeared on Monday's Good Morning America to promote his new movie, but still had to deal with media fallout from his "controversial" "chair stunt" at the Republican National Convention. Fill-in co-host Josh Elliott teased the segment by lecturing, "We'll have much more about that controversial speech." After talking to Eastwood about his soon-to-be released baseball film,…

George Stephanopoulos Taunts Romney: 'You're Falling Behind'; 'Why Are

September 14th, 2012 9:59 AM
Former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on Friday landed an exclusive interview with Mitt Romney and proceeded to taunt the Republican presidential candidate: "But you're falling further behind. Why aren't you doing better?" [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Stephanopoulos's hyperbole aside, a new Rasmussen poll shows Romney ahead by three points. A CBS poll has the…

NBC Donates 25 Percent More Airtime to DNC Than RNC

September 11th, 2012 2:55 PM
If journalists were interested in fairness, there's nothing more basic than giving a similar amount of airtime to each major party convention. An MRC analysis finds that's exactly what CBS and ABC did, giving virtually identical airtime to the Republican and Democratic conventions on their morning and evening news shows. But NBC skewed in favor of the Democrats, donating 25 percent more…

New Yorker Writer: Obama Ditched Outdoor Stadium Speech Because of Hum

September 11th, 2012 1:03 PM
The title of John Cassidy's column in the New Yorker is "Rational Irrationality" but after reading the reason he gives for Barack Obama ditching his outdoor stadium speech at the Democrat convention in Charlotte, NC, I think it would be safe to ditch the "Rational" part of the column title. One of the big reasons why Cassidy pretty much comes off as completely irrational was his explanation…

CNN's Kurtz on Obama's Speech: 'The Media Acted Like It Was Terrible

September 10th, 2012 11:12 AM
On Sunday's CNN Reliable Sources, host Howard Kurtz spoke of President Barack Obama's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention: Bob Cusack, Obama gave a pretty good speech overall. The media acted like it was terrible. And it seems to me that perhaps we have set a standard for him that (if) he doesn't he doesn't hit the stratosphere, he has somehow failed. The media acted…

WashPost's King Claims to See 'Visceral Hatred' from GOP, Obama Has to

September 7th, 2012 11:09 PM
Appearing as regular panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, as he recounted former President Bill Clinton's speech at the Democratic National Convention, liberal Washington Post columnist Colby King claimed that "the amount of hate that the Republicans have for Barack Obama is just astounding," calling it "raw, visceral hate." A bit later, after right-leaning panel member Charles…

Bill Press Hails Democratic 'Truth' Convention, Compared to 'Pale Male

September 7th, 2012 10:51 PM
Bill Press was the very model of a modern talk-show partisan on Friday. He loved the Democratic convention: "What a contrast with Tampa, right? This is a convention that told the truth and Tampa was the convention that just told nothing but lies, lies, lies, lies. There were no lies here. Joe Biden told the truth Barack Obama told the truth Bill Clinton told the truth." Press also welcomed in…

NBC Predicts 12 Million Jobs in Next Four Years 'No Matter Who is Pres

September 7th, 2012 4:59 PM
On Friday's NBC Today, less than two hours before another poor jobs report, co-host Matt Lauer touted a bold economic prediction: "Some of the analysts I've been reading have said that no matter who is president over the next four years, the economy will add about 12 million jobs just because of the cycle it's in." CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer agreed with the rosy scenario: "...a lot of pent-…

Networks Ignore DNC Benediction: Archbishop Dolan Defends Right to Lif

September 7th, 2012 3:22 PM
After offending religious Americans by appearing to boo God, the Democratic National Convention had the top ranking Catholic official in the country perform the closing Benediction Thursday night. Cardinal Timothy Dolan did the same for the Republicans last week in Tampa Bay, but those delegates didn’t seem to have a problem with a party platform that included God and Jerusalem. The only…

NBC's Scarborough: DNC Convention Creamed RNC Like Muhammad Ali

September 7th, 2012 12:38 PM
Comparing the RNC and DNC conventions on Friday's NBC Today, MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough declared a knockout for Democrats: "...if we're going pound for pound, round for round, this wasn't Ali versus Frasier, this was Muhammed Ali versus Chuck Wepner...It was ugly..." The liberal crowd assembled around Scarborough at a bar in Charlotte all cheered and applauded the statement. [Listen…