Liberal Networks Struggle to Spin Obama's 'Different,' 'Small' Speech

September 7th, 2012 11:23 AM
Even the journalists on the liberal NBC, CBS and ABC morning shows had a hard time spinning Barack Obama's acceptance speech to the Democratic National Convention. On Friday's Today show, Chuck Todd glumly conceded, "Look, aides acknowledge this wasn't his most poetic speech, not on par with his previous convention speeches and maybe not even the best convention speech of the week." [MP3 audio…

Matthews on Obama: 'The Fact That He's Black' Is Why 'They're Asking f

September 7th, 2012 8:02 AM
During the midnight hour of MSNBC's Thursday night Democratic National Convention coverage, host Chris Matthews managed to squeeze in another charge of racism against a black President by "right wingers" as he brought up the birther movement and asserted:

Ex-Newsweek's Fineman Sees Obama's Claim It is 'Unpatriotic' to Critic

September 7th, 2012 7:32 AM
During the midnight hour of MSNBC's Thursday night Democratic National Convention coverage, MSNBC analyst Howard Fineman -- formerly of Newsweek -- declared that it was "brilliant" for President Obama to suggest that Republicans are being "unpatriotic" in trying to make an issue of the economy's poor performance during his time in office. Shortly past midnight, Fineman asserted:

CNN Hails 'Home Run Derby of Speeches' at DNC

September 7th, 2012 6:02 AM
The Democratic Convention produced a "home run derby of speeches," insisted CNN's John King early Friday morning on Piers Morgan Tonight. This came after CNN hailed Michelle Obama's DNC speech as "probably a grand slam" and Bill Clinton's DNC address as "one of the great modern political speeches I have ever heard." "But over all, Democrats have to leave this town pretty happy. Still a close…

Breitbart's Shapiro Argues Even with 'Jerusalem' Re-added to Platform

September 7th, 2012 2:50 AM
While the liberal media have noted how little foreign policy was raised at the GOP convention and will surely play up President Obama's attacks on Republican opponent Mitt Romney as being weak on that issue portfolio, it's noteworthy how little media attention is being given to the Democratic Party's views on America's most reliable, democratic ally in the Middle East, Israel. Even as…

Laugh Line of the Night: Chris Matthews Insists Obama Speech Shows He

September 7th, 2012 2:31 AM
During early Friday morning’s coverage of the Democratic Convention, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews decided to play a clip of the previous evening's acceptance speech by Barack Obama to demonstrate that he was a “moderate” and “certainly not a socialist.”  (video after jump)

MSNBC's Perry and Matthews Continue With Birther Nonsense, Matthews In

September 7th, 2012 2:22 AM
During MSNBC’s Thursday night coverage of the Democratic Convention, Melissa Harris-Perry and Chris Matthews decided to further indulge in their unhealthy obsession with birtherism. You may recall that Matthews hijacked Andrea Mitchell’s interview of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to ask a question about birtherism during the Republican Convention on August 29.  On September 5,…

Brian Williams to Valerie Jarrett: Positive Media Coverage for Obama W

September 7th, 2012 2:16 AM
Brian Williams, on NBC’s Thursday night coverage of the DNC, unleashed the biggest howler of the night when he told White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett: “You, I guess have to play mistake-free ball now for 60 days, hope for nothing but positive coverage. That's a tall order.” Delivering positive coverage for Obama was certainly not a "tall order" for Williams and his fellow NBC News…

ABC's Karl Hypes 'Vintage Obama' Conclusion to DNC Speech

September 7th, 2012 1:47 AM
Not all members of the media offered a "tepid" reaction to President Obama's DNC address. ABC's Jonathan Karl hyped that Obama's crescendo to his speech that the audience loved was "vintage Obama." "But that last part of the speech was vintage Obama, trying to get these people here, to get the people that drove his campaign, talking about we have providence on our side. They loved it,"…

ABC's Dowd: 'Lucky Break' For Dems That Weather Canceled Stadium Speec

September 7th, 2012 1:13 AM
In their pre-game analysis before President Obama's nomination acceptance speech Thursday night, ABC News painted the costly cancelation -- "a hefty six figures" in fruitless set-up costs for broadcast equipment for the networks, reported Dylan Byers of Politico -- of tonight's planned Bank of America Stadium venue as a "lucky break." "Absolutely a lucky break," political contributor Matthew…

NPR Political Director Oozes Over Clinton Speech: As 'Robust and Effec

September 6th, 2012 11:45 PM
On Thursday's Diane Rehm show on NPR stations, NPR political director Ron Elving was truly beside himself in praising the Bill Clinton speech on Wednesday night,  going so far that he presumed Democrats said to themselves at every pause for the next gem of wisdom, "What'll that be, Daddy?" Elving began by oozing "That was about as full-throated, robust and effective, to use your word, a…

MSNBC Omitted Dem Party-Jumper Artur Davis, Showcased Ex-GOPer Charlie

September 6th, 2012 10:07 PM
MSNBC graciously broadcasted Republican exile and former Governor of Florida Charlie Crist’s address to the Democratic Convention during their Thursday night coverage.   However, that courtesy was not given to Democrat turned Republican former Congressman Artur Davis during the Republican Convention last week. As my colleague Ken Shepherd noted on August 29, Maddow tore into Davis during what…

CBS This Morning Fawns Over Obama's Oratory Skills, Wonders If Kennedy

September 6th, 2012 4:45 PM
Immediately following Bill Plante's declaration on Thursday that Barack Obama is "one of the greatest orators of his generation," CBS This Morning co-anchors Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell conducted an interview with Caroline Kennedy. Instead of discussing her upcoming speech at the Democratic National Convention, they excessively flattered her family and party affiliation. While…

NBC on DNC: 'Life of the Party' Bill Clinton 'Owned the Room,' Speech

September 6th, 2012 12:42 PM
On Thursday, the hosts of NBC's Today could barely contain their glee over former President Bill Clinton addressing the Democratic National Convention, with Savannah Guthrie proclaiming: "Life of the party. Former President Bill Clinton delivers a powerful and partisan speech....blasting Republicans, and in the throes of a bad economy, making the case for four more years." [Listen to the audio…