ABC Buries Democratic Booing of Restoring God and Israel to Party Plat

September 6th, 2012 11:51 AM
ABC on Wednesday and Thursday buried coverage of the embarrassing spectacle of Democratic delegates booing the reinsertion of God and Jerusalem to the party's platform. World News, Nightline and live coverage of Wednesday's convention completely ignored the gaffe. Good Morning America's Jake Tapper on Thursday breezed by it with a single sentence: "Lots of infighting about the party platform…

MSNBC Hosts See Clinton Hitting 'Haters' in GOP, Matthews Cites Church

September 6th, 2012 8:22 AM
During the midnight hour of MSNBC coverage of the Democratic National Convention, Chris Matthews and Howard Fineman went after what they viewed as "hate" on the Republican side, with Matthews raising the topic by reciting Bill Clinton's contention that he never felt "hate" for his opponents. A bit earlier, Matthews also managed to bring in a reference to Nazi Germany as he admired Clinton…

CNN's Piers Morgan Panders to Fluke, Doesn't Press Rep. Israel on His

September 6th, 2012 6:31 AM
During early Thursday morning's coverage of the Democratic National Convention, CNN’s Piers Morgan interviewed Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), liberal activist Sandra Fluke, and Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards.  It turned out to be a massive pandering to Fluke and nice vehicle for Rep. Israel, Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), to disseminate falsehoods…

MSNBC's Klein Dismisses Harm of High Tax Rates, Clinton is 'Missile' f

September 6th, 2012 5:34 AM
As Washington Post columnist and MSNBC analyst Ezra Klein appeared during the midnight hour of Wednesday night's Democratic National Convention coverage on MSNBC, he described former President Bill Clinton as a "missile" for the Obama administration, and argued that high tax rates have not harmed the economy in the past. But, as he pointed to periods of high growth while marginal tax rates…

Matthews After Midnight: If Bill Clinton Landed on Mars, He'd Quickly

September 6th, 2012 2:18 AM
I guess when Chris Matthews stays up past his bedtime, he gets really goofy. In a chat with former Saturday Night Live star Darrell Hammond -- best known for his skits impersonating Bill Clinton -- Matthews gushed of Clinton that he's such a natural politician and conversationalist that you could put him on Mars and he'd find a way to quickly seduce the Martians. "I always figured that if…

CNN Lavishes Praise on 'Oratorical Genius' Bill Clinton

September 6th, 2012 1:21 AM
Piers Morgan couldn't contain himself on Wednesday night as he adulated President Clinton as an "oratorical genius" who is "right up there with Churchill, Kennedy, MLK, and Mandela." CNN wasn't called the "Clinton News Network" for nothing. "[T]hat was pound for pound, dollar for dollar, one of the great modern political speeches I have ever heard," sounded Morgan later on his show. He even…

Randy Johnson Lives High on DNC, Union Dime, After Bain 'Devastated Hi

September 6th, 2012 12:48 AM
During Wednesday night’s convention coverage, the Democratic National Convention decided to roll out a trio of workers allegedly kicked to the curb by Bain Capital, the  private equity firm co-founded by Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.   One of them was Randy Johnson.  According to Adam Kredo’s August 28 column in The Washington Free Beacon, Johnson “worked at American Pad &…

Bewitched by Bill: ABC Raves Over Clinton's Speech

September 6th, 2012 12:20 AM
After hyping that Bill Clinton might deliver "his patented rocket fuel" to the DNC on Wednesday night, ABC swooned over his "perfect tone" and compared him to an "old pro." "Strikes me, George, like one of those movies where the old pro comes out of retirement, filled with vitality, and does he know how to ride the waves inside this arena," gushed Diane Sawyer. Former Clinton operative…

ABC Hypes DNC Enthusiasm as Unprecedented for Dems

September 5th, 2012 11:29 PM
A day after CNN salivated over Michelle Obama's DNC address, ABC hyped the enthusiasm at the Democratic Convention as hitting unprecedented levels on Wednesday night. "Look, I have never seen a Democratic convention like this," insisted commentator Cokie Roberts. "When the President, the former President, comes out, they – it is going to be a moment like no moment you've seen." [Video below…

Hannity Hits Tom Brokaw on Liberal Bias, Former NBC Anchor Feebly Resp

September 5th, 2012 10:40 PM
At the same time his company’s cable outlet MSNBC was having a Democratic  lovefest during the DNC, NBC’s Tom Brokaw had the audacity to deny liberal bias was a problem right to Sean Hannity’s face. Appearing on Wednesday’s edition of FNC’s Hannity the former NBC Nightly News anchor was challenged by Hannity about his industry’s “bias.” Brokaw, initially tried to deflect the question as he…

While Broadcast Media Buys 'Severe Weather' Excuse for Moving Obama Sp

September 5th, 2012 10:26 PM
If you have tickets for the Democratic National Convention and wanted to see President Barack Obama deliver his acceptance speech this Thursday at Charlotte's Bank of America Stadium, you’ll be greatly disappointed.  Despite the official excuse of severe weather -- forecasters put the chance of storms at 20-30 percent -- the change in venue really seems to be because Obama campaign officials…

Paul Ryan Schools Piers Morgan: Obama Has 'Made Things Worse

September 5th, 2012 9:26 PM
When CNN's Piers Morgan argued that President Obama needed time to fix the economy, Paul Ryan answered him on Wednesday that Obama slowed what should have been a quick recovery. "You have to give President Obama a bit of time just to get things back on track," the liberal CNN host pushed. Ryan countered that "usually when we have a deep recession in America, we come bounding out of it with…

MSNBC's Matthews Closes Interview with San Antonio Mayor By Asking Why

September 5th, 2012 8:47 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews this evening finally got the chance to interview Julian Castro, the Democratic mayor of San Antonio, Texas, whom Matthews insisted had given one of the "greatest" political speeches he ever heard Tuesday night. It was, of course, a thoroughly softball interview, but it concluded on an odd note, with Matthews delving into his unhealthy obsession with "birtherism" to ask…

Democrats Reinstate God, Jerusalem to Platform, ABC World News Ignores

September 5th, 2012 7:44 PM
Shortly after 5 p.m. Eastern today, it took three attempts for Democrats to reinstate the words "God" and "Jerusalem" into their party platform, drawing some reactions of despondency from the more liberal members of the party. Over on MSNBC, for example, Chris Hayes called it a "craven capitulation."   This shift from the original platform that omitted God and did not explicitly express…