Journalists Literally Applaud Obama Speech

August 29th, 2008 8:45 AM
Chris Matthews is apparently not the only one who gets "inspired" by Barack Obama.Blogging from the convention floor, a reporter for the Hill, a DC political newspaper observed "dozens of men and women wearing green media floor passes chanted along with the crowd" at Obama's speech last night.Is it any surprise given how many elite media journalists are registered Democrats or how Obama's speech…

TV Journalists Relieved Obama 'Masterpiece' Took on McCain

August 29th, 2008 5:48 AM
Television journalists were nearly uniformly enthralled with Barack Obama's Thursday night acceptance speech, relieved he showed the toughness to take on John McCain directly, unlike, in their world view, all too-soft past Democratic nominees. Only FNC offered a contrarian view or mentioned the word “liberal” while David Gergen on CNN trumpeted the address as a “symphony” and a “masterpiece” with…

CNN’s David Gergen: Gore’s Speech Worth Reading, Compares Obama to

August 29th, 2008 2:57 AM
CNN senior political analyst David Gergen gushed over Al Gore’s speech at Invesco Field on Thursday evening during the network’s coverage of the Democratic convention as he urged viewers to go back and read the text: I think the Gore speech, he -- while it was way too rushed in delivery, had an awful lot to offer, and was one of the first times anybody in this campaign has spoken seriously to the…

Matthews Orders Sharpton to 'Beat' Unpatriotic 'Politics of Karl Rove

August 29th, 2008 2:33 AM
Chris Matthews has had it with Karl Rove, and he told the Reverend Al Sharpton, during MSNBC's live coverage of the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night, to "beat" Rove in Ohio, "before we have the count." After Sharpton claimed the Democrats were "robbed" in 2000 and 2004, Matthews urged the Reverend not to let it happen again.MATTHEWS: Well let's hope if you, for the purposes of…

Time's Scherer Echoes Jimmy Carter on McCain 'POW Card

August 29th, 2008 1:58 AM
Yesterday in a chat with USA Today reporters, former President Jimmy Carter complained that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was "milking every possible drop of advantage" from his stay in the Hanoi Hilton.Perhaps picking up on that talking point, Time magazine's Michael Scherer asked in an August 28 article, "Is McCain Overplaying the POW Card?" Yet not once in his did Scherer point to Carter's…

Matthews: 'To Hell With My Critics,' Obama 'Inspires Me

August 28th, 2008 11:23 PM
Chris Matthews shook the proverbial fist at this detractors as he delivered the following praise of Barack Obama's acceptance speech on MSNBC's live coverage of the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night, earning loud applause from the audience gathered by the channel's outdoor location: KEITH OLBERMANN: For 42 minutes not a sour note and spellbinding throughout in way usually reserved…

Matthews Insults Rice & Powell as 'Showcase Appointments

August 28th, 2008 9:49 PM
Contrasting how Barack Obama won the nomination of the Democratic Party to how Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell achieved their successes, Chris Matthews insulted the aforementioned as "showcase appointments." The following excerpt from Matthews occurred about 9:30 PM EDT during MSNBC's live coverage of the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night, August 28: Again he [Barack Obama]…

Flashback: MSNBC’s Matthews Once Dared to Doubt Obama’s Experience

August 28th, 2008 6:45 PM
It’s hard to imagine that Barack Obama has ever had to deal with a moment’s bad press from his pals at MSNBC, but you may remember how back on February 19, while anchoring coverage of the Wisconsin primary, Chris Matthews dared to ask a Texas state senator -- who was appearing on MSNBC to plead Obama's case -- to list “any” of his legislative accomplishments. He could not.As Obama accepts the…

Democrats Covering Democrats: Many CNN Personalities Registered Left

August 28th, 2008 5:15 PM
As the Democrats begin to wind down their national convention, we at NewsBusters are revving a series of reports under the banner "Quick Study" that take an in-depth and quantitative look at the ways cable news anchors and correspondents use information and perspectives to frame the race to suit their liberal ideology. We especially intend to shine a bright light on pretentions of objectivity…

Christianity Today's Bland Interview with Pro-Life Democrat

August 28th, 2008 4:43 PM
Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as pro-life Democrats. And yes, there are some in Denver at the party's nominating convention, even if the mainstream media don't interview them.Christianity Today has found a few and has been covering them at the magazine's CTPolitics blog. But if you are looking for tough questions, you won't find them from staffer Sarah Pulliam in her interview with…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Gushes: ‘History Being Made in Denver

August 28th, 2008 4:39 PM
At the top of Thursday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith set the tone for the show’s coverage of Barack Obama’s upcoming nomination acceptance speech at the Democratic convention: "First, history being made in Denver today." While Obama being the first African-American presidential nominee of a major party is historic, the Early Show went far beyond the other network morning shows, doing…

CNN Uses Liberal Expert to Tout Biden's Foreign Policy Experience

August 28th, 2008 4:09 PM
Thursday's "American Morning" featured a segment focused on Senator and Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Biden's foreign policy experience. During the report, CNN correspondent Mary Snow used Michael O'Hanlon of the liberal Brookings Institution to make the claim that Biden's foreign policy experience is "praised" by the experts. While O'Hanlon has helped write foreign-policy speeches…

MSNBC Still Complaining about Lack of Red Meat

August 28th, 2008 3:36 PM
It's Day 4 of the Democratic convention and MSNBC just can't get over the lack of "red meat" thrown to the party faithful.  Commentator Pat Buchanan raised the issue during the 7:00 hour of this morning's "Morning Joe" while critiquing Bill Clinton's convention speech, noting that John McCain and the Republicans "skated free for this convention" and calling the current crop of Democrats "a…

Matt Lauer Lauds Liberal Jon Stewart: 'Respected and Listened to

August 28th, 2008 3:23 PM
"Today" host Matt Lauer scored an interview with "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart for Thursday's show and praised the liberal comic as "one of the most respected and listened to political voices in this country." Continuing his fawning profile, he attributed a rise in the number of young people voting, in part, to the work of Stewart. It was just after that exchange that the comedian jabbed at…