Chris Matthews: Scranton, Pa. Stuck in 1957; Media Were McCain's Base

August 28th, 2008 3:01 PM
Update: Scott Whitlock reminds me that Matthews said something very similar about West Virginia Democratic Democratic primary voters back in May. Ah the wit and wisdom of Chris Matthews. Did you know that Joe Biden's hometown of Scranton, Pa., is stuck in 1957? Or that Sen. McCain hopes to peel off Michigan from the Democrats due in part to white voters anger at black Detroit Mayor Kwame…

Plouffe Your Pillow? Nets Go Easy On Obama Campaign Manager

August 28th, 2008 2:11 PM

Behind the Scenes at the DNC: Trashed American Flags

August 28th, 2008 2:10 PM
Something behind the scenes footage I don't expect the MSM to show.From our friends at (pictures below page break):Remember the mystery of the missing flags?FOUND THEM:

CBS: Barack Obama = Martin Luther King

August 28th, 2008 1:51 PM
In the wake of Barack Obama officially becoming the first African-American presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, on Thursday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith declared: "This day, August 28, is steeped in history. Barack Obama delivers his historic acceptance speech and 45 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his 'I Have A Dream" speech. August 28, 1963, hundreds of…

CNN Frets Bill Clinton Was Too Conservative

August 28th, 2008 12:54 PM
Thursday's edition of CNN's "American Morning" featured a "fact checking" segment on the claims former President Bill Clinton made about his accomplishments as president during his speech to the Democratic National Convention. The segment wasn't much of a "fact check" as CNN Business Correspondent Christine Romans mostly reminisced about the "glory days" of the '90's. But what she did find was…

Another Night, Another Round of Cheers for the Democrats

August 28th, 2008 12:49 PM
ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS’s Early Show led the praise for the third night of the Democratic convention, with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos enthralled by how well it was going for Democrats. “I think every night in this convention has built on the one that came before,” he exclaimed Thursday morning, adding: “The speeches have gotten better every night.”[Check here and here for a re-cap of…

Oops! Pawlenty Corrects Diane Sawyer's Factual Error

August 28th, 2008 11:53 AM

Brian Williams to Michelle Obama: 'What Makes You Angriest' at GOP

August 28th, 2008 11:18 AM
"NBC Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams conducted an embarrassingly fawning interview with Michelle Obama on Wednesday's program regarding the subject of nasty Republicans and just how exciting the Democratic campaign is. At one point, he sympathetically questioned the politician's wife, "What of the attacks has busted through to you? What makes you angriest at John McCain, the Republicans? What…

Time Swoons: Kerry's 'Zell Miller Without the Mean

August 28th, 2008 8:59 AM

Nightline Awards Democrats 'Straight A's' for 'Perfect' Third Night

August 28th, 2008 5:59 AM
“Professor George Stephanopoulos,” on Wednesday's Nightline, awarded the Democrats “straight A's” for the third day of their convention, with an A for “Filling in the Blanks,” an A for “Heartstrings,” an A for “Red Meat” and an A for “Body Language.” The former Bill Clinton campaign operative and White House aide glowed over “a night of perfect political choreography” from his former boss and…

Williams Channels Fret Kerry Waited to Answer 'Swiftboating

August 28th, 2008 3:00 AM
Hailing 2004 Democratic nominee John Kerry's Wednesday night address to the Democratic convention “the toughest speech” by “perhaps the most forceful speaker so far,” one in which Kerry denounced the “Swiftboating” of Barack Obama, NBC anchor Brian Williams channeled the liberal view, which he described merely as that of “people watching tonight,” that Kerry lost in 2004 because he didn't take on…

Matthews Bored By Possible Pawlenty VP Pick: 'There is No Splash

August 28th, 2008 1:36 AM
Chris Matthews liked the pick of longtime Senator Joe Biden for Barack Obama but the prospect of John McCain picking a veep, of similar voltage on the Republican side, like Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty or former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, caused Matthews to yawn: "not interesting."Of a potential Pawlenty pick, the "Hardball" host, during MSNBC's live coverage of the Democratic…

CNN’s Gloria Borger Snarks About McCain’s Homes

August 28th, 2008 12:52 AM
During CNN’s Wednesday night coverage of the Democratic convention, the network’s senior political analyst Gloria Borger poked fun of John McCain’s non-answer on the number of houses he owns. When host Wolf Blitzer pointed out that Borger owns homes in Washington, DC and in Montana, she confirmed, "Yeah, that's it, and I write the checks, so I know." (video at right)One can surmise that Borger,…

MSNBCer: 'The Situation At Our Channel Is About To Blow Up

August 27th, 2008 10:36 PM
On Wednesday, NewsBusters asked: Is the hatred [Keith] Olbermann has been spewing on virtually a nightly basis beginning to take its toll on his fellow on air personalities presaging a looming uncivil war at MSNBC?Hours later, Politico reported (emphasis added throughout): Amid a spate of awkward on-air conflicts among MNSBC anchors at this week’s Democratic convention, some staff members say…