
Univision: Les daremos lo que creemos que es noticia

March 24th, 2020 1:48 PM
Los presentadores de Univisión Jorge Ramos y María Antonieta Collins trataron de convencer a los televidentes de la cadena de su objetividad y fracasaron en grande.

Univision: We’ll Give You What We Believe to Be News

March 24th, 2020 12:35 PM
Univision co-anchors Jorge Ramos and Maria Antonieta Collins tried to convince the network’s viewers of their objectivity and failed big time. This clip from Univision Presents: Diary of the Coronavirus, a daily special update on the COVID-19 pandemic, included a self-congratulatory pat on the back by Ramos and Collins. But a funny thing happened on the way to flaunting their self-admiration for…

Periodismo incendiario en Univisión

March 23rd, 2020 2:50 PM
A Univisión le encanta echarle leña al fuego de las noticias falsas, incluso avivando las llamas en tiempos de emergencia nacional. Como ejemplo de ello, en este video del programa matutino de la cadena, Despierta América, podemos apreciar claramente cómo enmarca un reporte sobre el coronavirus para infundir pánico y división en el país. 

Univision Commits Journalistic Arson

March 22nd, 2020 10:00 AM
Univision loves to fuel the fake news flames, even if it means fanning them in times of a national emergency. Case in point is this video from the network´s morning kaffeeklatsch Despierta America, that showcases their skill at instilling panic and division in the country. 

SHOCK: Rare Display Of Faith During Univision's Coronavirus Newscast

March 21st, 2020 6:10 PM
Here’s something you don’t see too often: a network news anchor quoting Scripture and citing her faith as something that she leans on during times of crisis. Check out the full post to read and see the full video as Univision’s María Antonieta Collins as she discussed faith and alcohol wipes with Jorge Ramos during the network’s 3:00 p.m. coronavirus newscast.

Univision: 'The Americans' Buy Guns Because They Fear The Apocalypse

March 20th, 2020 8:48 PM
Univision broke from its afternoon coronavirus newscast and delivered on a longstanding policy item: opposition to the Second Amendment and to the private ownership of firearms. But in their coronavirus-themed rant against gun ownership, they also revealed something about themselves.

Vivita y coleando la pornografía de pánico en Estrella TV

March 20th, 2020 1:06 PM
Estrella TV, con sede en Los Ángeles, siempre ha tenido una gran afición por el drama y la exageración. Por lo tanto, no es de extrañar que los presentadores y reporteros de la cadena estén haciendo su agosto con reportes saturados de su insigne estilo de pornografía de pánico en toda su cobertura sobre el coronavirus de Wuhan.

Panic-Porn Is Alive and Well At Estrella TV

March 19th, 2020 6:57 PM
Los Angeles-based Estrella TV has a penchant for drama and exaggeration. Therefore it’s no surprise that the network’s anchors and reporters are having a field day covering the Wuhan coronavirus, delivering their very unique brand of panic-porn. 

Telemundo Slips Chinese Propaganda Into Coronavirus Coverage

March 19th, 2020 6:56 PM
Our nation’s leading Spanish-language networks are not exempt from being susceptible to Chinese propaganda, as Telemundo has recently displayed. Read the full post and watch the embedded video as Telemundo’s news programming pushed three separate instances of Communist Chinese propaganda.

Líderes conservadores instan a investigar manejo chino del coronavirus

March 18th, 2020 4:59 PM

RESTON, VA – El Centro de Investigación de Medios publicó el martes en la tarde una carta abierta al presidente Donald Trump a nombre de 39 líderes del movimiento conservador. En la misma, exige "una investigación formal para descubrir la verdad” detrás de las acciones del gobierno chino en relación al surgimiento del coronavirus de Wuhan.


Univision Just Can’t Quit Bernie, Touts Single-Payer

March 17th, 2020 6:05 PM
If polling is correct, then socialist Senator Bernie Sanders is on his way to a resounding defeat in Florida’s Democratic presidential primary. But that won’t stop the nation’s leading Spanish-language network from boosting Sanders to the bitter end.

Univisión ignora amenaza de Biden de abofetear a trabajador de fábrica

March 16th, 2020 9:43 AM
El 10 de marzo, el noticiero vespertino de Univisión reportó la forma desacertada en que Joe Biden le contestó a un trabajador de fábrica durante su visita a Michigan. Sin embargo, a pesar de haber mostrado el lenguaje vulgar del candidato demócrata, el noticiero dejó fuera el preciso momento cuando Biden amenazó con abofetear al obrero después de llamarle "pende…"

CNN En Espanõl: Payasada de Gaetz usar máscara de gas en el hemiciclo

March 13th, 2020 1:10 PM
A medida que el COVID-19 continúa propagándose, también lo hacen los comentarios insidiosos de presentadores como Juan Carlos López, de CNN En Español, quien convirtió un informe sobre las medidas preventivas correctas para tomar contra el virus en una oportunidad para burlarse del representante estadounidense Matt Gaetz, llamándole payaso por ir a trabajar con una careta de gas.

Univision Omits Biden’s Threat To Slap Autoworker Over Gun Rights

March 12th, 2020 7:00 PM
On March 10th, Univision’s evening newscast Biden’s unhinged response against an automotive worker during his visit to Michigan. While the vulgar language covered by the Democratic nominee was shown, the key feature in which Biden threatened to slap the worker along with calling him a “horse’s a**” was completely ignored.