The CW’s sports drama All American has had a long history of race-baiting, pushing liberal propaganda, hating cops, and promoting BLM. So, it really was no surprise to see two characters fawning over the supposedly “cute” former president Obama and his “icon” wife Michelle. That was later followed by a weird quip from a black, lesbian college professor about how it’s sometimes warranted to pour gasoline all over a business and burn “the whole place down.”
We all know Hollywood has had a penchant for uncritical worship of progressive darlings and deifying leftist idols. But Monday’s episode of All American, “I Got a Story to Tell,” was still cringeworthy despite being cliché.
High school student Amina (Alexis Chikaeze) is running for president of her high school student council, and her adult family friend Coop (Bre-Z) brings a box of campaign buttons to her school to help her campaign.
This leads to fawning over the Obamas as if they waltzed into the White House on a runway wearing designer clothes and million-dollar smiles because nothing screams “meritocracy” like gushing over Michelle’s sleeveless dresses:
Coop: Are you ready for the most amazing thing you've ever seen?
Amina: Hi. Why am I scared right now? Oh, my instincts are right. Absolutely not.
Coop: Absolutely yes, ok? And you can thank Prime for the speedy delivery. I ordered hundreds of these.
Amina: Do I need to say no a hundred more times?
Coop: Baby, cuteness sells. How do you think Obama got in office?
Amina: Because he was an amazing politician and married to a literal icon.
Coop: Yes, that, too. Flowers to Michelle.
This exchange is peak Hollywood—vapid, smug, and allergic to substance. Flowers to Michelle? You just know a liberal scriptwriter (excuse the redundancy) patted his or herself on the back believing that cloying reply was good writing.
Oh, how amazing it would have been to have a conservative character pop up and quip that there was nothing “cute” about Benghazi. Nor was there anything cute about Russia’s annexation of Crimea under Obama.
It takes the kind of respect for our leaders that Trump commands, as well as his type of strength, to help garner world peace. Cuteness doesn’t cut it, and charisma doesn’t automatically equal competence.
Meanwhile, over at fictional Golden Angeles University School of Law, Coop attends a class taught by a black, lesbian, female professor she has a crush on. Just when you thought Hollywood was done pushing BLM propaganda and its “arson as a protest vibe” agenda, leave it to a show as woke as All American to raise it back from the dead like an ugly zombie out to terrorize everyone:
Breonna: I'm walking to the bathroom at a classy restaurant, minding my business, when a random man makes a pass that I reject. Now, the perpetrator falls backwards into a table, and, unfortunately, ends up injuring an innocent bystander we'll call Betty. Now, the question is, am I liable for the damage, or is the perpetrator for initiating harm? As you know, torts law examines "you shouldn't" clauses. You shouldn't inflict physical harm. You shouldn't misappropriate property. These are our duties. Fortunately for me, I was well within my breach of duty by practicing self-defense, but if I poured gasoline everywhere and burnt the whole place down, that might be a different conversation, although, low-key, sometimes warranted. But you didn't hear that from me. Thank you. Thank you all for coming.
This was supposed to be a law class, right? Not a Build-A-Riot workshop. But sadly, most colleges these days are a liberal cult out to brainwash young voters with their leftist propaganda. You know, just like the MSM and Hollywood productions like this show.
BLM’s history of burning businesses—often black-owned, ironically—left communities gutted, not liberated. Yet here’s this character, sharing her “low-key” lighter fluid fantasies to her impressionable students and serving up a sassy quip as if arson is as cute as they think Obama is.
Someone should’ve put lighter fluid on this script before it ever made it to air. Not surprisingly, All American has had dismal ratings this season and is second to last among Monday night network shows. Get woke, go broke, as they say. Unfortunately, The CW seems to care more about pushing an agenda than they do in making shows people actually want to watch.