“Every year a conservative watchdog organization, the Media Research Center, names the worst reporters of the year,” Fox NewsWatch host Jon Scott announced, ending Saturday afternoon’s show with clips from the MRC’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2012: The Twenty-Fifth Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting.”
He explained “votes were cast by some of the best and brightest in the business, including a few NewsWatch panelists.” Indeed, Cal Thomas and Jim Pinkerton were judges.
Scott listed the nominees for “The Obamagasm Award” and “The Audacity of Dopes Award for the Wackiest Analysis of the Year,” playing clips of the winning quotes from MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and CNN’s Piers Morgan.
“You can see all of the awards at MRC.org,” he advised afterward, chuckling as he alluded to over the top outbursts by journalists featured in the MRC’s annual awards: “There are some special ones. Trust me.” Earlier, Rich Noyes highlighted some of the winners in a Saturday morning, December 29 post: “Media Bias Year-in-Review: The Most Partisan Potshots of Campaign 2012”
(The hour-long year-end December 29 Fox NewsWatch will re-air at 2AM and 5 AM EST Sunday morning, December 30 on FNC. In the PST zone that’s 11 PM Saturday night and 2AM Sunday morning.)