NBC News Tries to Make Charleroi into Another Springfield

September 23rd, 2024 9:30 PM

The Regime Media continue to use the migrant crisis as a cudgel with which to bash concerned Americans as racists and bigots. Having mostly moved on from Springfield, Ohio, the media now turn their focus to Charleroi, Pennsylvania.

Watch as NBC’s Yamiche Alcindor builds up to browbeating a local resident over unfettered migration (click "expand" to view transcript):

YAMICHE ALCINDOR: In recent years, many came legally to Charleroi to work at the local meat processing facility like Pierre-Richard Montplaisir.

Do you think what former President Trump is saying is true, that Haitians are having a negative impact here?

PIERRE-RICHARD MONTPLAISIR: No. No. When I came here like four years ago- so the town was a ghost town. And now we've got a group of people that are working and being taxed.

ALCINDOR: Montplaisir also works as an interpreter for the school system. Five years ago, 12 students were learning English as non-native speakers. This year, that number is 225.

ED ZELICH: We believe now diversity is our superpower.

ALCINDOR: But superintendent Ed Zelich says the state has provided additional funding.

ZELICH: We are not struggling. Are there more things we'd like to have? Absolutely. But I think any school district would be able to say that.

ALCINDOR: Misty Cassidy disagrees.

MISTY CASSIDY: There's just so many people and there's just not enough resources. There's not enough jobs. There's not enough homes.

ALCINDOR: She's glad Trump, who she supports, has been calling attention to Charleroi and Springfield.

CASSIDY: People need to know that it's just not Springfield. This is coming to a town near you.

ALCINDOR: What is coming to a town near you?

CASSIDY: Haitians, or immigrants that have poured over the border within the last couple years.

ALCINDOR: Why is that a bad thing, given the fact that some would say the United States is a nation of immigrants?

CASSIDY: They're not coming here to assimilate with us. They're coming here to take over. It seems.

The foundation of the story is an alleged “baseless claim” made by former President Donald Trump about the degree to which Charleroi, PA might be overwhelmed by the migrant influx:

DONALD TRUMP: Charleroi has experienced a 2000% increase in the population of Haitian migrants under Kamala Harris…The schools are scrambling to hire translators for the influx of students….And the town is virtually bankrupt.

“Baseless” and “inaccurate”, blare both the story’s graphics and correspondent Yamiche Alcindor. But not by much. The jump in students needing interpretation services over a 5-year period, from 12 to 225 represents a 1775% increase. It isn’t 2000%, but it isn’t nothing, either.

Then there is the tone of the report. The comparisons to Springfield suggest that there is a specific problem with Haitians, and not with unchecked immigration overall. That’s what one senses from her questioning of the local resident.

“Why is (unfettered migration) a bad thing, given the fact that some would say the United States is a nation of immigrants?”, asks Alcindor while browbeating a concerned local resident. The question willfully blurs the distinction between legal, orderly immigration based on the nation’s needs and the ongoing disaster we see today. The report, on the whole, services the narrative of all questioning of Biden-Harris immigration policy being premised on bigotry. 

Lest anyone mistakenly believe that these concerns are directed solely at small towns with large Haitian populations, NBC might want to send Alcindor to Aurora, Colorado. We hear that there is a different kind of overrunning going on over there. 

Click “expand” to view the full transcript of the aforementioned report as aired on the NBC Nightly News on Monday, September 23rd, 2024:



6:43 PM

LESTER HOLT:  We're back now with a deeper look inside a small town in battleground Pennsylvania, now a recent target of former President Trump on the issue of immigration. Yamiche Alcindor is there for us tonight.

YAMICHE ALCINDOR: Tonight, another city with a growing Haitian population on edge after more inaccurate claims from former President Trump.

DONALD TRUMP: Charleroi has experienced a 2000% increase in the population of Haitian migrants under Kamala Harris…The schools are scrambling to hire translators for the influx of students….And the town is virtually bankrupt.

ALCINDOR: Here in Charleroi, Pennsylvania just like in Springfield, Ohio, local Republicans say Haitians have been an asset to the community.

SEAN LOGUE: The Haitian immigrants here have a very good reputation. The problem is, is that the federal government dumped these people in and aren't providing any resources.

ALCINDOR: In recent years, many came legally to Charleroi to work at the local meat processing facility like Pierre-Richard Montplaisir.

ALCINDOR: Do you think what former President Trump is saying is true, that Haitians are having a negative impact here?

PIERRE-RICHARD MONTPLAISIR: No. No. When I came here like four years ago- so the town was a ghost town. And now we've got a group of people that are working and being taxed.

ALCINDOR: Montplaisir also works as an interpreter for the school system. Five years ago, 12 students were learning English as non-native speakers. This year, that number is 225.

ED ZELICH: We believe now diversity is our superpower.

ALCINDOR: But superintendent Ed Zelich says the state has provided additional funding.

ZELICH: We are not struggling. Are there more things we'd like to have? Absolutely. But I think any school district would be able to say that.

ALCINDOR: Misty Cassidy disagrees.

MISTY CASSIDY: There's just so many people and there's just not enough resources. There's not enough jobs. There's not enough homes.

ALCINDOR: She's glad Trump, who she supports, has been calling attention to Charleroi and Springfield.

CASSIDY: People need to know that it's just not Springfield. This is coming to a town near you.

ALCINDOR: What is coming to a town near you?

CASSIDY: Haitians, or immigrants that have poured over the border within the last couple years.

ALCINDOR: Why is that a bad thing, given the fact that some would say the United States is a nation of immigrants?

CASSIDY: They're not coming here to assimilate with us. They're coming here to take over. It seems.

ALCINDOR: But Montplaisir says Trump's comments are harmful.

How worried are you that what happened in Springfield with the threats and the harassment that Haitian immigrants, that they might happen here?

MONTPLAISIR: Yes. That's why- that's why they are afraid of that. That’s why some of them want to leave the town.

ALCINDOR: Yamiche Alcindor, NBC News, Charleroi, Pennsylvania.