On today’s edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski openly professed her love for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, and showed viewers that she hopes the Democrat defeats Republican incumbent Sen. Scott Brown (Mass.). At one point in the segment, Brzezinski said, “And I'm so sorry for Scott Brown, who I think is adorable. But it's just not going to happen.”
This is not the first time Mika has openly cheered for the liberal Harvard professor to win the Bay State's Senate contest, but it is the first time since an embarrassing scandal came to light involving Warren's specious claim to be of Native American heritage. [Audio here. Video below the jump.]
As we've noted, Mika has previously displayed her excitement for Warren, saying that she "should win.”
During this morning’s program, Mika showed outrage while co-host Joe Scarborough was mocking Elizabeth Warren for not getting appointed to the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. After Scarborough finished, Mika got in a few comments about Warren that showed how she really felt about the Senate race. Below is one exchange.
SCARBOROUGH: We still think -- we love Elizabeth. We love Scott. They're both -- this is just going to be an incredible race.
BRZEZINSKI: It's a great race.
JOE: And they have different strengths. Elizabeth–obviously while we were interviewing her up at Fenway–
MIKA: Is the best that ever was. When talking about Warren not being appointed to the Agency she helped to created, Mika proclaimed, “Because she's fantastic, and they [Republicans] were scared [PAUSE] less of her.”
During Mika’s sucking up to Warren, she some how forgot to mention the most recent Elizabeth Warren controversy. While teaching as various law schools, Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a “minority.”