Newsweek Still Dancing for Joy Over Anti-Bush Shoe-throwing Incident

December 16th, 2008 3:57 PM
Yesterday, Newsweek's daily Conventional Wisdom feature assigned a down-arrow to President Bush over Sunday's now-infamous shoe-throwing incident, wherein the outgoing President dodged two shoes chucked at him by an Iraqi journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi. The flailing newsmagazine noted that al-Zaidi was "out of line," but was simply expressing the sentiments of many an Iraqi who wish they could "vote with their feet."

Today Newsweek continued to try to milk the incident for maximum Bush-bashing potential by assigning an up-arrow to al-Zaidi:

arrow up Shoe-thrower: Iraqis rally to support Bush's assailant, Libyan first daughter awards him a medal.