Huh? Rabid Lefty Radio Host Mike Malloy Decries 'Nasty, Divisive' Rhetoric

April 7th, 2010 11:17 AM

There's something about the Tea Party movement that brings out the left's inner hypocrite. Case in point: the left's front runner for the "most egregiously offensive and derogatory commentator" award is now calling for civility in the public discourse. 

Mike Malloy took to his website on Monday to lament the "nasty, divisive, and uber-partisan" rhetoric in Washington. Who's to blame for all the vitriol? Why it's those "Teabaggers," their "rabid tea-bagging minions," and the "psychotic right-wing media," of course. This from the man who called on Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Bill O'Reilly to kill themselves; claimed that Dick Cheney eats Jewish and Muslim babies; and dubbed Clarence Thomas a "house negro."

It takes a really, shall we say, confused mind to hurl epithets at the people while simultaneously berating them for cheapening the political discourse. But this latest tirade was mild compared to Malloy's past hate-fests. Let us review some of his greatest hits (emphasis added):

March 26, 2010:

[Y]ou rat bastards are going to cause another Murrah federal building explosion, you are. And then - what is Beck - maybe at that point Beck will do the honorable thing and blow his brains out.

Maybe at that point, Limbaugh will do the honorable thing and just gobble up enough - enough Viagra that he becomes absolutely rigid and keels over dead.

Maybe then O'Reilly will just drink a vat of that poison he spews out on America every night and choke to death! Because that's what's gonna to happen, that's what they are pushing these right-wing, nut case, fringe, militia jerk-wads to doing!
March 15, 2010


Now Clarence Thomas has always adopted the attitude of the House Negro, so perhaps he'll do it this time also. Clarence Thomas, in all the years he's been on the United States Supreme Court, I don't think has ever, ever written an opinion that became the rule of the court; he has never been the lead author.

He has - I don't think he's even spoken for the past six years! He just looks at fat Tony Scalia; and if Fat Tony farts, Uncle Clarence farts; if Fat Tony burps, Uncle Clarence burps! This is the guy who George Herbert Walker Bush said was the most qualified man in America to be on the Supreme Court.
February 26, 2010


You Tea Bagger freaks! libertarian tea bagger freaks! I-I mean, not only do you piss me off because you piss me off; but your ignorance is just so - astonishing! It's the most overworked word in my vocabulary. Astonishing! I don't get you people at all. You don't want any government intervention. You want to eat poison! You want to breathe poison! You don't care!

And pigs like Glenn Beck and, uh, the rest of these right-wing radio and TV talkers convince you over, and over, and over again to kill your children, um, make your spouses sick, uh, send Granny and Grandpa into [the] intensive care unit because you're feeding them toxic garbage
January 19, 2010


You crazy sons-of-bitches, you right-wingers. Do you not understand that the people you hold up as heroes bombed your goddamn country? Do you not understand that Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly are as complicit of the September 11, 2001 terror attack as any one of those dumb-ass fifteen who came from Saudi Arabia? Don’t you get that?
January 4, 2010


Now, the inquiry, the questions are being raised as to whether or not this is not a deliberate attempt to embarrass... ah, that's not quite a strong enough word, but let's start there, embarrass the Obama Administration -- that there are forces at work in this country, and I believe this as surely as I put on my right shoe before my left -- that there are forces alive who are very active, very wealthy in this country, at work in this country that want Obama to fail no matter what and the idea of killing 200 to 300 people on a jetliner in order to make the point is nothing. It means nothing....

My gut feeling is this was deliberate, this was deliberately done in order to put the Obama Administration in such a vice grip, that it's impossible to get anything done, to raise so much fear, this is what Republicans do, this is what they do.
October 21, 2009


Cheney, by the way looks very ruddy; I couldn't get over that like he must have feasted on a Jewish baby, or a Muslim baby; he must have sent his people out to get one and bring it back so he could drink its blood, because that's what somebody like Cheney does to get that ruddy look.

It was scary to see. This was not makeup; and the weird part is there were no dribbles of blood down his tux. But it was very clear that he had been eating the blood of a Jewish or a Muslim baby. He wouldn't eat a Christian baby. If he ate the blood of a Christian baby, there's something in the old writings that said that instantly the trap door to Hell opens and you disappear into the smoke, so it's got to be a Muslim or a Jewish baby; and you drink the blood and you're healthy again if you're somebody like Dick Cheney.
August 6, 2009


Chris Matthews continues to give air time to a real crazy person, a fellow Catholic. Only I don't think Chris Matthews is Opus Dei like Pat Buchanan is. Buchanan is a bonafide anti-Semite. He, as a member of Opus Dei, he would like to see every Jew hanged and figures they eventually will be when his lord and savior returns to earth and offers the Jews a choice: either accept me as your savior or die. And Pat's hoping for the die part because he really is crazy.

Yes, this is the man now blaming the Tea Party movement for the degradation of the national political dialogue.