Biden Adviser Scarborough on Debates: Don't Let Trump Talk About Hunter's Felonies!

June 12th, 2024 5:17 PM

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Mike Barnicle MSNBC Morning Joe 6-12-24On today's Morning Joe, informal Biden adviser Joe Scarborough offered his boy a word-for-word script to be used should Trump raise Hunter's gun convictions during the upcoming presidential debate.

Scarborough should have saved his advice for one of those occasions when, as he bragged about on Tuesday's Morning Joe, he talks to Biden "for hours at a time."

Because at this point, should Biden manage to mouth Scarborough's script during the debate, his words would be juxtaposed with Scarborough's suggestion. Embarrassing!

Not only did Scarborough supply the script, he even offered stage directions [see screencap] in the event Trump raises Hunter: "Stop. Turn. Look around the stage, and say, hold on, hold on. I don't see Hunter Biden up here....I'm not running against Eric. I'm running against you, Donald. And you're not running against Hunter Biden or the ghost of Hunter Biden, who's not here. You're running against me!"

director's chair Somebody should get Scarborough a director's chair and a clapperboard. "Cut! That's a wrap! Print it!"

Be that as it may, the gist of Scarborough's advice was that Biden should emphasize that Trump is running against him, not against his family, and that Trump is the only candidate with felony convictions, 34 of them. This doesn't address that Trump's statement on the Hunter verdicts turned right to attacking the "Biden crime family." Trump will go right to Joe Biden's role helping his son enrich himself by meeting with and talking with his clients, including powerful people in Russia, China, Ukraine, and other countries. 

Not content to serve as Biden's stage manager, Scarborough ended his spiel by issuing instructions to Biden's handlers:

"Double down right now and go harder at Trump than ever before on the fact that he's a convicted felon."

Yessir! On it, Mr. Scarborough!


Has the time come for Scarborough to transition from informal adviser, and become a formal member of Team Biden?

Consider: Morning Joe's been on the air for over 17 years.  Could the 61-year-old Scarborough be hankering for something new and exciting?

What if Biden managed to win re-election? It's painfully obvious that Karine Jean-Pierre has been a hopeless flop. How about, "Introducing our new White House spokesman, Joe Scarborough!"

Here's the transcript.

Morning Joe 
6:18 am EDT

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Let's be really clear about this. In the debate, cause I've heard a lot of people talking about this concern. Mike Barnicle, if I'm Joe Biden, and I'm on the debate stage with Donald Trump and he starts talking about Hunter Biden as some sort of retort against his own 34 felonies, I'd stop, I'd turn, I'd look around the stage and say, excuse me, hold on. Hold on. I don't see Hunter Biden up here. Hold on, Donald, let me check --

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Maybe he's --

SCARBOROUGH: I don't see Eric over there. Wait, wait, Eric's not here, so, I'm not running against Eric. I'm running against you, Donald. And you're not running against Hunter Biden or the ghost of Hunter Biden, who's not here. You're running against me! 

And up here, the two people that are going to run this country for the next four years, of the two of us, only one has been convicted of a felony! And you've been convicted of 34 felonies, Donald!

So let's leave our kids out of this. Let's leave our family out of this. You don't want me to start talking about what you and your kids and your in-laws did in your name to get rich off of your back during the presidency. 

Boom. That's it.

MIKA: Saudi Arabia.


And you know what? He shouldn't take any crap from Trump, and he needs to be ready. Because Donald Trump has 34 felony convictions. Joe Biden, none. Those are the two people on stage.

And he shouldn't -- Biden's people should double down right now and go harder at Trump than ever before on the fact that he's a convicted felon.