NewsBusters Podcast: Eek, The Alito Bandito Flies the Flag Upside-Down

May 20th, 2024 10:54 PM

The New York Times considered it front-page material that leftist neighbors snitched on Supreme Court justice Sam Alito. A flag flew upside-down in his yard in the days after January 6. This same Democrat rag published an assassination threat to Justice Kavanaugh two years ago on Page A-20.

Liberal or leftist neighbors of the Alitos showed their photos of the flag to the Times, and were rewarded with anonymity by reporter Jodi Kantor: "The half-dozen neighbors who saw the flag, or knew of it, requested anonymity because they said they did not want to add to the contentiousness on the block and feared reprisal."

Wait -- they didn't want to "add to the contentiousness on the block" while they shared photos of their neighbors to The New York Times.

The networks launched critical stories. On PBS, NewsHour anchor Geoff Bennett brought it into their Friday night Week in Politics segment. That’s fascinating. Because on June 10, 2022, the NewsHour couldn’t devote that segment to assassination threat against Justice Kavanaugh!

NPR didn’t have a Friday night feature on Alito, but they did discuss Alito on Weekend Edition Saturday, your breakfast treat for liberals. Remember, NPR never aired a feature story on the assassination threat against Justice Kavanaugh. That was simply skipped, or spiked.

ABC anchor David Muir started swiping at the top of the show: Justice Alito "under fire" for flying flag upside down "for days" after the January 6 riot. "He's now blaming his wife!" Reporter Terry Moran claimed Alito was "embroiled in controversy" (and they're the embroilers). Moran found "Legal experts say" it's a real appearance of conflict of interest!

CBS turned to Capitol Hill reporter Scott MacFarlane, whose entire job seems to be rehashing January 6. The upside-down flag meant Alito could be lumped in with "rioters and election deniers." Justices "should not be swayed by partisan interests," CBS lectured in its report that was aiming to please their won partisan interests. 

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