Jodi Kantor

NewsBusters Podcast: Alito Flag Hubbub Shows Journos Need Real Hobbies
Alongside Associate Editor Nick Fondacaro for this Friday edition of the show, we dove into the wholly manufactured liberal media storyline (courtesy of The New York Times) of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and flags outside his homes as a sign he’s ethically and morally compromised as a jurist and – gasp – a far-right extremist! Simply put, the obsession over this story and the…

PBS: Alito, an Insurrectionist Opposed to Peaceful Transfer of Power?
Taxpayer-funded PBS took another bite out of the Justice Alito flag controversy on Sunday’s edition of PBS News Weekend, interviewing New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor, who made the front page with her scoop that the American flag briefly flew upside down outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021. Laura Barron-Lopez, perhaps the network’s most…

NewsBusters Podcast: Eek, The Alito Bandito Flies the Flag Upside-Down
The New York Times considered it front-page material that leftist neighbors snitched on Supreme Court justice Sam Alito. A flag flew upside-down in his yard after January 6. The networks launched critical stories. The same Democrat rag published an assassination threat to Justice Kavanaugh two years ago on Page A-20.

ABC, NBC Giddily Tout ANOTHER Far-Left Smear of Conservative Justice
ABC’s Good Morning America (GMA) and NBC’s Today eagerly touted in faux serious tones early Friday a new front in the left’s war to delegitimize, shame, and even attempt to remove conservative judges as The New York Times published a screeching story about an upside down flag flying at the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021.

‘CBS This Morning’ Airs Lefty Recap of 2010s with Doom and Gloom

Bob Woodward Hammered, Booed Over Interview With #MeToo Book Authors

Behold! A 12 Pack of NewsBusters Blogs from Media's War on Kavanaugh

NYT’s Kantor: No ‘Presumption of Innocence for the Man’ in Hearing

CBS Warns of GOP Being ‘Clueless and Insensitive Men’ in Hearing

CBS: Is Women’s March ‘Comparable to Anything in History We Have Seen?

Kantor Lauds Obama's ‘Above the Fray, Unifying, Nonpartisan Tone'

NYT’s Kantor Puts Michelle on Pedestal Again, Portrays Trump as Brute

NY Times Giddily Launches ‘Astronaut’ Hillary Into ‘History’