Palin and Van Susteren Slam Politico's Newest Sarah Hit Piece

November 1st, 2010 11:50 AM
Politico published another Sarah Palin hit piece on Sunday evening, and much like the last one, authors Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei couldn't find one disparaging source to actually go on the record with his or her negative opinions. Grabbing the article hot off the presses, Fox News's Greta Van Susteren and her guest Palin trashed "all these brave" faceless people as well as the so-called…

'5 Reasons Republicans Could Do Even Better Than Expected

November 1st, 2010 10:43 AM
FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver published a New York Times blog Sunday evening guaranteed to scare the heck out of liberal media members:

Heilemann and O'Donnell: Obama Will Demonize Victorious Republicans Ju

October 31st, 2010 7:03 PM
If the Republicans are victorious at the polls next Tuesday, President Obama will demonize them the same way Bill Clinton did after the 1994 midterm elections.  So said New York magazine's John Heilemann and NBC News's Norah O'Donnell on this weekend's "The Chris Matthews Show" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Dick Armey and Cokie Roberts Make a Fool of Arianna Huffington

October 31st, 2010 3:35 PM
Liberal internet publisher Arianna Huffington on Sunday went on ABC's "This Week" to spout some of her typical left-wing nonsense about the significance of the previous day's Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert rally in Washington as well as what a Republican victory on Election Day means. Fortunately, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey and ABC's Cokie Roberts were there to refute her inanities…

Jimmy Carter: Fox News Implants 'Completely False Images' of President

October 31st, 2010 1:29 PM
Former President Jimmy Carter on Sunday claimed that Fox News implants "completely false images" of Barack Obama while also distorting the facts about legislation before Congress. Speaking to Howard Kurtz on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Carter practically blamed all of the current president's problems in the polls on the cable news network (video follows with transcript and commentary):

National Reviewer Smacks Down Bill Maher and Lawrence O'Donnell For At

October 30th, 2010 3:30 PM
Bill Maher and MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell went to great lengths on Friday's "Real Time" to disparage the Tea Party. One proud member, National Review's Reihan Salam, admirably put them both in their place for doing so (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Totenberg's 'Very Afraid' of These Elections; Thomas Thinks They're 'A

October 30th, 2010 11:30 AM
NPR's Nina Totenberg said Friday that she's very afraid of the upcoming elections. Newsweek's Evan Thomas, her co-panelist on "Inside Washington," said historians might look upon November 2, 2010 "as kind of a joke...obviously the political system’s a mess" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Labeling Bias from Balt Sun: 'Ehrlich Wants Tax Cuts; O'Malley Wants M

October 29th, 2010 3:08 PM
Liberal Democrats love to couch increased government spending as "investments." It's smart political marketing, but it's a less-than-truthful spin on what government spending is or does. When's the last time you got a dividend check from your state government giving you your share of the "profit" from a road or bridge project? But it's when journalists buy into that spin that we at…

A Tale of Two 'Non-Payment' Reports

October 29th, 2010 2:01 PM
It must be hard for newspaper editors to pick and choose which candidates to report on in an election season when their endorsed candidates fall on the opposite side of issues that contradict the paper's endorsed claims. Case in point, given the choice of reporting about the numerous reports of Illinois not paying their obligations and that of a payment glitch concerning a leading Republican…

Zakaria: Sales Tax, More Government Spending Needed to 'Restore Americ

October 28th, 2010 7:08 PM
On Thursday's Newsroom, CNN's Fareed Zakaria endorsed a predictably liberal solution to get the American economy moving again: enact more taxes and implement new government programs. Zakaria called for a national sales tax and advocated new government spending on "research and technology" and "upgrading the infrastructure." The CNN host also labeled tax cuts "bad stuff." Anchor Ali Velshi…

Soros Donates $1.8 Million to NPR, Juan Williams Fired Days Later

October 28th, 2010 3:37 PM
"Follow the money," the left insisted when News Corporation donated $1 million to the Republican Governor's Association. The implication was that since News Corp. gave lots of money to Republicans (nearly 10 times as much as it did to Democrats), Fox News coverage that casted the GOP in a positive light could fairly be seen as a direct result of that contribution. By the standard much of the…

Mark Levin Blasts Joe Scarborough For His Attack On Sarah Palin

October 27th, 2010 11:41 AM
As NewsBusters reported moments ago, Joe Scarborough took some cheap shots at former Alaska governor Sarah Palin during Wednesday's "Morning Joe." After seeing our piece on this issue, Mark Levin struck back at MSNBC's so-called conservative via Facebook:

Maureen Dowd Bashes GOP Women and Rand Paul in Piece About Rolling Sto

October 27th, 2010 10:40 AM
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on Wednesday continued her attack on "GOP Mean Girls" this time doing so in an article about - Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards?

After MSNBC President Claims Channel Doesn't Support Libs, Network Giv

October 26th, 2010 5:57 PM
Just days after MSNBC President Phil Griffin claimed his cable network does not use air-time to support Democratic candidates and liberal causes, evening host Lawrence O'Donnell yielded over two minutes of his eponymous program to feature's latest anti-Republican advertisement in its entirety. O'Donnell introduced the partisan attack ad as a get-out-the-vote push: "Sometimes you…