Alec Baldwin: Sarah Palin 'Listless and Tired'; Harry Reid 'Driven and

October 25th, 2010 10:13 AM
Alec Baldwin thinks former Alaska governor Sarah Palin "looks oddly listless and tired on the circuit these days." In the same Huffington Post piece, the actor actually praised Harry Reid (D-Nev.) as "driven, methodical and philosophically galvanized":

Bob Schieffer to Karl Rove: Are You Saying Rush Limbaugh Takes Things

October 24th, 2010 2:52 PM
Bob Schieffer attempted a nice little gotcha on Sunday when he asked former Bush adviser Karl Rove, "Have you come on 'Face the Nation' this morning and said for the record that Rush Limbaugh takes things out of context?" The man commonly referred to as The Architect didn't take the bait (video follows with transcript and commentary):

George Will Schools Christiane Amanpour On Campaign Spending

October 24th, 2010 1:18 PM
George Will on Sunday gave Christiane Amanpour a much-needed education on the myth of campaign overspending. During the Roundtable segment of "This Week," with a chyron below him bemoaning "Big Money Midterms," ABC's lone conservative spelled out the issue in language so simple even a caveman could get it (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Greg Gutfeld Rips Maureen Dowd's 'GOP Mean Girls' Column

October 23rd, 2010 4:24 PM
Greg Gutfeld on Saturday marvelously ripped Maureen Dowd's "GOP Mean Girls" column published by the New York Times last Sunday. Appearing on "Fox News Watch," Gutfeld ridiculed the hypocrisy of lamenting the "evils of smearing women right before smearing women" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Obama Fundraises At Google Exec's House Same Day Company's Tax Loophol

October 23rd, 2010 3:18 PM
Hours after Bloomberg News revealed Google's billion dollar scheme to avoid corporate taxes, President Obama spoke at a Democrat fundraiser held at the home of one of the Internet giant's executives. From what I can tell, only the Washington Examiner's Byron York thought the timing of this event was at all odd (h/t Seton Motley):

New York Magazine: 'Denial Is Just a River in Egypt to Nancy Pelosi

October 21st, 2010 7:16 PM
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday told PBS's Charlie Rose, "I believe that it would be very difficult for the Republicans to take over the House...I would rather be in our position right now than theirs." So absurd were these comments that  New York magazine posted a brief piece at its Daily Intel blog with the headline "Denial Is Just a River in Egypt to Nancy Pelosi" (partial video of…

Beck Accuses Politico of Lying Over Disagreement with Palin, Demands A

October 21st, 2010 5:55 PM
Has anyone noticed a leftward tilt by Politico lately? More and more, the respected inside-the-beltway publication seems to be more aggressive in its tack with conservatives. Here’s one such example: In the Oct. 21 issue of Politico, an article written by Jonathan Martin attacks former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for her political activities and her dealings with other conservative leaders. One…

CBS Highlights GOP Problems With Latino Voters

October 21st, 2010 5:33 PM
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent John Blackstone reported on the growing influence of Latino voters, making sure to focus on Republican setbacks: "They favor Democrats over Republicans, 62 to 25 Nevada, Latinos were urged not to vote in a controversial ad....created by a conservative Latino group, seemed designed to help Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle…

Bill Maher: Anti-Obama Voters Like Battered Women Going Back To Abusiv

October 20th, 2010 4:01 PM
Bill Maher on Tuesday said Americans unhappy with the current direction of the country are like battered women that go back to their abusive lovers. Chatting with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC's "Last Word," the "Real Time" host also disgustingly claimed, "When they say they want their country back, that`s what they mean, really, is they want their country back to the appropriate time when a…

Republican Senator Says GOP Won't Repeal ObamaCare

October 20th, 2010 9:10 AM
There is a lot of media chatter about whether or not a strengthened Republican Party would move to repeal ObamaCare pending the results of the upcoming elections in November. On Tuesday, the Davis Intelligence Group reported that Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) "recently told a group of high-dollar GOP donors that Senate Republicans would not move to fully repeal President Obama’s health care law next…

Overwhelming Majority Think Media Encourage Political Division

October 19th, 2010 2:18 PM
On Sunday, I examined the causes of the nation's toxic political atmosphere and amongst other things accused the press of fanning the fires of discontent. Two days later, an ABC News/Yahoo News poll reported by Michael Calderone found 63 percent of Americans believe the mainstream media are more interested in encouraging political division than cooperation between the Parties:

Howard Kurtz Scolds Media for Bashing Tea Party and Praising Obama

October 19th, 2010 11:05 AM
Howard Kurtz on Tuesday did something rather noteworthy two weeks before Election Day: he scolded the media's coverage of the Tea Party while at the same time bashed press members for excessively praising Barack Obama during the run-up to the previous elections. This rare appearance of honesty about journalism's pathetic performance in the past three years makes "How the Media Blew the…

Fox & Friends Debunks Tea Party Racism Myth

October 19th, 2010 10:05 AM
As NewsBusters reported Thursday, a UCLA graduate student has published a study debunking the myth that the Tea Party is racist. On Monday, Gretchen Carlson invited the study's author on "Fox & Friends" to do what every news outlet ought to, namely, tell the truth about what the movement that is radically changing the political landscape is really all about (video follows with transcript…

Blame Liberals for America's Toxic Political Atmosphere

October 17th, 2010 11:45 PM
With roughly two weeks to go before America heads to the polls, there is one inconvenient truth liberals and conservatives can agree on: our nation is deeply divided along ideological lines bringing with it an increasingly caustic tone to the political debate. Not at all surprising, both sides fervently blame the other. But who’s right?