Female GOP House Members Are 'Literally Battered Women,' Democrat Tell

May 25th, 2012 9:45 PM
Not only that, a member of Congress doesn't know what "literally" means. It's not often Ed Schultz is taken aback when one of his loopy left-wing guests makes an outlandish claim, but that's what happened on his radio show Wednesday. (audio clip after page break)

The Hill: Elizabeth Warren Really Is Part Indian...in 'Mythical Terms

May 22nd, 2012 12:33 PM
Are you prepared, Bernie Quigley? Are you prepared for your inevitable coronation as national laughingstock? Bernie Quigley of The Hill has written himself into the laughstock status by his incredibly laughable excuse for Elizabeth Warren's false claim to be part Indian. According to Quigley, paleface Warren really wasn't lying about her ancestry. Why? I have placed Quigley's bizarre…

Open Thread: Reconciliation in Nebraska

May 17th, 2012 9:05 AM
It's become quite a bit of a refrain among liberal journalists that nefarious conservatives are unwilling to compromise and unite with more moderate GOPers in order to "get things done," yet in many cases, the very opposite is true. In several recent elections, conservative unknowns have scored the primary victory (think Sharron Angle) and gone on to receive only tepid establishment support…

Paul Begala Honors Lugar in Newsweek for Moderation, But Has Trashed L

May 14th, 2012 10:28 PM
James Taranto at The Wall Street Journal reports that Newsweek's Paul Begala, the perennially trash-talking Clinton political operative, "has a tiresome paean to Dick Lugar, the defeated GOP senator who felt his opponent wouldn’t do enough to reach across the aisle." If this man didn't have double standards, he would have no standards at all. This is the same Begala that wrote in January 2010…

CBS Brings on Elizabeth Warren to Back More Bank Regulation; Spikes Ch

May 14th, 2012 3:12 PM
On Monday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose and Erica Hill touted Massachusetts Democrat Elizabeth Warren's past time as "the government's chief watchdog during the 2008 bank bailout" as she was brought on to discuss JP Morgan Chase's $2 billion loss. Rose and Hill asked all of their questions from the left, and completely ommited any mention of the recent controversy over Warren's claim of…

Rasmussen Column: Lugar Loss Highlights Fact Voters Are Souring on Car

May 14th, 2012 11:59 AM
When relationships go bad, an early warning sign is that one side doesn't really hear what the other is saying. That's certainly the case today in the relationship between voters and America's political class. Many in Washington, D.C., took comfort over the past year in polling data showing that fewer voters consider themselves part of the tea party movement. Only 13 percent claim such a tie…

Bay Buchanan Schools Norah O'Donnell on 'Glass Ceiling' in Politics

May 13th, 2012 9:19 PM
CBS chief White House correspondent Norah O'Donnell and Republican strategist Bay Buchanan had a bit of a tussle about women in the workplace on Sunday's Face the Nation. When Buchanan said opportunities for women are currently unlimited, O'Donnell strongly disagreed claiming, "There is a glass ceiling in politics" which led the conservative to correctly point out this is largely due to women…

Eleanor Clift: 'Tea Party Will Cost the Republicans Control of the Sen

May 12th, 2012 5:25 PM
In the wake of Richard Mourdock's landslide victory over Republican Senator Richard Lugar in Indiana's primary Tuesday, Newsweek's Eleanor Clift made what some might consider a staggeringly stupid prediction on Friday's McLaughlin Group. "The Tea Party will cost the Republicans control of the Senate" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Indiana Dems 'Giddy' Over Race Against 'Unwavering Conservative' Richa

May 12th, 2012 7:12 AM
The New York Times's Monica Davey and Trip Gabriel shared Democratic "giddiness" over the possibility of winning a Senate seat in the Republican-leaning state Indiana on Thursday: "With Primary Over, a New Battle for Indiana Senate Seat Begins." The text box was all sunshine for the Democratic Party's prospects for the Indiana seat: "Strategies emerge as Democrats now see a chance at a win."…

Time Mag’s Scherer Hails ‘Incredibly Eloquent’ Lugar Manifesto

May 11th, 2012 9:23 AM
The Washington press corps always love it when establishment Republicans scold conservatives for trying to “purify” the party, and Time magazine’s Michael Scherer did not disappoint. “Indiana Sen. Dick Lugar did not go quietly, after losing his primary contest Tuesday in Indiana to a Tea Party-backed challenger, Richard Mourdock,” Scherer wrote the next day in a Time “Swampland” blog titled “…

NBC's Williams: Defeat of 'Old-School Moderate' Lugar 'Ending the Era

May 10th, 2012 5:38 PM
Joining the rest of the media in mourning the primary defeat of Republican Indiana Senator Richard Lugar on Tuesday, on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams praised the "old-school moderate" who "was attacked for working to compromise with the White House" and lamented: "His defeat comes close to ending the era of centrist Republicans in the Senate."

Coulter Column | Elizabeth Warren's Indian Name: Dances with Lies

May 10th, 2012 5:20 PM
Elizabeth Warren, who also goes by her Indian name, "Lies on Race Box," is in big heap-um trouble. The earnest, reform-minded liberal running for Senate against Scott Brown, R-Mass., lied about being part-Cherokee to get a job at Harvard. Harvard took full advantage of Warren's lie, bragging to The Harvard Crimson about her minority status during one of the near-constant student protests over…

MSNBC's O’Donnell Defends Fox News's Shep Smith’s Attack on Suppor

May 10th, 2012 5:18 PM
It seems as though the only time Lawrence O’Donnell has something nice to say about Fox News, it comes at the expense of nearly half the country.  Following the incendiary comments Fox News’ Smith made following Obama’s public support for gay marriage, MSNBC’s O’Donnell rushed to his defense and praised him for violating FNC's central value of remaining "fair and balanced."    O’Donnell…

John King Attacks Conservative Senate Candidate Mourdock for... Promis

May 10th, 2012 4:16 PM
Following Richard Mourdock’s commanding victory in the Indiana Republican primary, CNN’s John King felt it appropriate to criticize Mourdock for of all things his campaign pledge of legislating as a conservative.  King began the interview with a loaded question, asking the GOP candidate, "are you so rigid in your ideology that you will refuse compromise and therefore keep the country from…