NYTimes Monica Davey Sobs Over 'Collegial Moderate' Sen. Richard Lugar

May 10th, 2012 7:26 AM
New York Times reporter Monica Davey was in Indianapolis to cover the Tea Party toppling of the moderate, establishment Republican Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana: "G.O.P. Voters Topple Lugar After 6 Terms." Davey barely concealed her regretful tone: Richard G. Lugar, one of the Senate’s longest-serving members, a collegial moderate who personified a gentler political era, was turned out of…

CNN Welcomes Mourdock to Senate Race: Aren't You Going to 'Undermine

May 9th, 2012 5:22 PM
After CNN's Erin Burnett lamented the defeat of "moderate" Dick Lugar in Indiana's GOP Senate primary, Wednesday's Starting Point panel had a cold welcome for the victorious Tea Party candidate Richard Mourdock. Anchor Soledad O'Brien asked Mourdock if his "confrontational" attitude wouldn't help "undermine" the cause of uniting Americans. It's doubtful whether Soledad thought the same of…

Media Mourns Lugar Loss as a 'Tragic' Blow to 'Bipartisanship

May 9th, 2012 2:53 PM
ABC’s Good Morning America treated last night’s loss of long-time serving Republican Senator Richard Lugar, to the more conservative Tea Party favorite Richard Mourdock, as a sad sign of the end of bi-partisanship. In the 7am half-hour of Wednesday’s show, ABC’s Josh Elliott declared Lugar’s loss was an “earthquake of great degree” and eulogized Lugar as a senator who was “well-known for his…

Open Thread: Bad Night for RINOS and Unions

May 9th, 2012 9:54 AM
(Note to commenters: This post is the first one on NB which uses Disqus for commenting purposes.) While liberals have been waxing rapsodic about Greece and France voting for wasteful socialism, conservatives last night have two victories to be crowing about in Wisconsin and Indiana. In Wisconsin, government reformer Scott Walker received more votes in the GOP primary than his Democratic…

Scrubbed at AP: W. Va. Dem Senator Manchin Refuses to Say Whether He V

May 9th, 2012 9:01 AM
This morning, in a report ("Romney, Obama win; Manchin to face Raese") with a 1:00 a.m. time stamp, Associated Press reporter Lawrence Messina informed readers that U.S. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia "refused to say whether he voted for Obama on Tuesday" in West Virginia's primary. That's news. In his 6:01 a.m. dispatch currently at the AP's national site ("Against Obama, even a…

WashPost Promotes 'Liberal Hero' Elizabeth Warren on Page One, Buries

May 7th, 2012 9:11 AM
On Monday’s front page, The Washington Post promoted “liberal hero” Elizabeth Warren, the Democrat looking to retake the “Ted Kennedy seat” in the Senate. “Stakes high as liberal hero tries to unseat GOP senator,” read the headline. On Sunday, the Post’s Chris Cillizza said Warren had the “Worst Week in Washington” for her muddled answers to claiming she was of Native American heritage in…

Mika Brzezinski Again Displays Her Love for Elizabeth Warren

May 3rd, 2012 4:03 PM
On today’s edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski openly professed her love for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, and showed viewers that she hopes the Democrat defeats Republican incumbent Sen. Scott Brown (Mass.). At one point in the segment, Brzezinski said, “And I'm so sorry for Scott Brown, who I think is adorable. But it's just not going to happen.” This is not the first time…

Malkin Column: Elizabeth Warren and the Oppression Olympics

May 2nd, 2012 6:48 PM
Elizabeth Warren is the Harvard law professor running for Senate in Massachusetts as a Democratic populist-progressive champion. But don't call her "Elizabeth Warren." Call her "Pinocchio-hontas," "Chief Full-of-Lies," "Running Joke" or "Sacaja-whiner." Warren has claimed questionable Native American minority status for years to reap career "diversity" benefits. Now, Cherokee leaders,…

NPR Highlights Authors Who Say GOP Is Extreme and Rejects 'Evidence an

May 1st, 2012 8:14 AM
On Sunday, the Washington Post’s Outlook section was dominated by an article with a headline imposed over an elephant’s rear end: “Admit it. The Republicans are worse. Don’t blame both sides for gridlock. Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein say it’s the GOP’s fault.” Within about 24 hours, there were Mann and Ornstein, being interviewed on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition. Anchor…

Elizabeth Warren Listed as Minority in Self-Reported Professional Dire

April 30th, 2012 2:09 PM
Elizabeth Warren's credibility took another hit today with stories in both major Boston daily newspapers stating that Warren was listed as a minority in a professional directory for nine years before she was hired by Harvard Law School in 1995. The Boston Herald broke the story on Friday that Harvard Law School described Warren as its sole Native American professor during the mid-1990s when…

Harvard Law School's Sole Native American Professor as of Mid-1990s? E

April 29th, 2012 10:33 PM
Yet another example of the fluid, ever-evolving liberal concept of diversity. Back in 1996, the Coalition for Civil Rights, a student group at Harvard Law School, ran a survey to determine whether law students at the school were happy with "the level of representation of women and minorities" on the faculty, according to the Harvard Crimson.

Martin Bashir Tells Two Democrats ‘If There Isn’t a War on Women M

April 27th, 2012 3:52 PM
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir on Friday might have said the wisest thing he’s ever uttered on television. Speaking with two Democratic members of Congress about goings on in the House Friday, Bashir said referring to Republicans, “If there isn’t a war on women most of us must be ignorant” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

NYT's Preston Notes AZ Immigration Law 'Intensely Unpopular Among Lati

April 25th, 2012 11:49 AM
There are politically motivated hearings every day on Capitol Hill. So why did the New York Times single out one in particular for coverage? Likely because it was led by liberal Sen. Chuck Schumer and exploting the Times' favorite cause, the defense of illegal immigrants. Immigration-beat reporter Julia Preston, one of the paper's most reliably pro-amnesty reporters, authored Wednesday's "…

Chris Matthews: Montana's Sen. Tester Just 'Regular Guy,' Not Liberal

April 18th, 2012 6:35 PM
Apparently MSNBC's Chris Matthews judges the political ideology of elected officials by inconsequential cosmetic matters such as their style of clothing or haircut. During a segment handicapping the tough reelection campaigns of a handful of Senate Democrats, the Hardball host described Sen. Jon Tester (D-Montana) as, "another guy who's got a crew cut, looks like a regular guy... [who] works on…