'Bold and Unabashed' - NPR Gushes Over Outgoing Rep. Barney Frank

November 29th, 2011 5:28 PM
NPR's Tovia Smith sang the praises of Congressman Barney Frank on Monday's All Things Considered: "Frank has proven both piercing and pithy, zinging one-liners....bold and unabashed." Smith barely included any dissenting voices in her report, playing four sound bites from the staunch liberal and his supporters, versus only two from opponents. Host Melissa Block noted how Rep. Frank is a "…

AP Pair on Frank's Retirement: 'Gay Pioneer' With 'Legislative Triumph

November 29th, 2011 2:15 PM
Anyone who made the easy prediction that the Associated Press would fail to bring up Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac in its fawning tribute to Barney Frank after his retirement announcement yesterday was correct. Anyone making the easy prediction that the AP would lionize him as a "gay pioneer" was also spot-on. Also predictably, the wire service's Bob Salsberg and David Espo failed to mention that…

NBC's Savannah Guthrie Ignores Barney Frank's Role in Housing Collapse

November 29th, 2011 1:36 PM
In a testy interview on Tuesday's NBC Today, fill-in co-host Savannah Guthrie avoided asking retiring Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank about his role in the collapse of the housing market and yet the liberal Democrat still complained: "You've managed to ask all sort of negative questions.....you're four for four in managing to find a negative approach." Guthrie began the segment by…

NYT Laugh-Line Headline of the Day: 'Barney Frank, Moderate

November 29th, 2011 10:56 AM
New York Times editorial board member, and former Times reporter, David Firestone is filling in for Andrew Rosenthal this week at the paper’s opinion blog The Loyal Opposition. He has apparently been tasked to make Rosenthal seem balanced by comparison, judging by his Monday posting with the laugh-line headline “Barney Frank, Moderate.” Firestone was paying tribute to liberal Democrat Rep.…

CNN Eulogizes 'Titan' Barney Frank

November 28th, 2011 12:42 PM
Reporting on Monday morning that Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was not seeking re-election, CNN's political team whitewashed his controversial tenure in office with some fond words like "titan," "larger-than-life," and "teacher at heart." CNN's Joe Johns lauded Frank's skills as a teacher -- especially as the first openly-gay congressman. "He's taught this country so much about the gay…

Black Conservative Has Campaign Billboard Vandalized With ‘KKK’, P

November 18th, 2011 4:33 PM
Bill Randall is a candidate for Congress, running in North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District.  Mr. Randall also happens to be an African-American.  In early October, Randall had a campaign billboard vandalized with a spray-painted, vulgar phallic symbol, accompanied by the letters "KKK”. It was the kind of message that would normally launch the media into full-blown racial apoplexy.  One…

MRC Special Report: Network Morning Shows Are Trashing Republicans, St

November 15th, 2011 11:07 AM
Four years ago, the ABC, CBS and NBC morning shows celebrated the “rock star” Democrats running to replace George W. Bush, and no candidate set journalists’ pulses racing faster than Barack Obama. Now, after three years of high unemployment, trillion dollar deficits and an onerous new health care law, how are those newscasts covering Obama’s re-election campaign and the candidates vying to…

Politico's Mike Allen: 'Very Possible' Dems Will Win Back House Majori

November 15th, 2011 7:21 AM
"Memories, light the corners of my mind. Misty watercolor memories of the way we were." -- Barbra Streisand, The Way We Were Sober political analysis, or merely an MSMer pining for the good old days of Speaker Pelosi? On Morning Joe today, touting a Politico Pelosi puff piece about her "golden touch," Mike Allen claimed it was "very possible" that Democrats would retake the House majority in…

60 Minutes Cherry Picks Book To Make Congressional Insider Trading Mos

November 13th, 2011 11:52 PM
When CBS's Steve Kroft recently asked House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) some penetrating questions about stock purchases she and her husband made, the internet was abuzz with rumors about an upcoming 60 Minutes installment about the wealthy couple that have been known to use her political interest for their mutual benefit. Unfortunately, this Sunday's 60 Minutes piece about…

Morning Joe Hypes GOP Setback in Ohio Labor Law Vote Without One Word

November 9th, 2011 11:53 AM
Political analysts across the country were closely watching votes on two key initiatives in Ohio Tuesday to get a sense as to where the nation is on the power of labor unions as well as the President's signature piece of healthcare legislation. On MSNBC's Morning Joe Wednesday, the failure of Ohio's Issue 2 - which strikes down Governor John Kasich's (R) anti-collective bargaining law by…

NYTimes: GOP (Still) Doomed on Immigration, Causing 'Significant Polit

November 2nd, 2011 10:53 AM
The New York Times is once again trying very hard to make the GOP candidates’s tough stands against illegal immigration a damaging campaign issue. Saturday's entry was reported by Jennifer Steinhauer, “Some Republicans in Congress Are Pushing Steps to Ease Immigration.” She gave congressional Republicans backhanded praise for being "more nuanced and measured" on immigration than their…

CNN Hosts Former Communist Party Candidate to Praise OWS, Hit Obama Fr

October 31st, 2011 12:51 PM
CNN's Don Lemon hosted radical leftist and former Communist Party member Angela Davis on Sunday night's Newsroom for what he called a "blast from the past." Davis hit President Obama from the left and praised the Wall Street protests as a continuation of the movement that swept "a black president who identified with a black radical tradition" into office. CNN labeled Davis as a "political…

Martin Bashir Calls on Boehner and Cantor to Resign if They Won't Rais

October 28th, 2011 5:15 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir on Friday called for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Oh.) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) to resign if they won't raise taxes on the rich (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews Blames Tea Party for Congress's Lousy Poll Numbers

October 27th, 2011 7:16 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday blamed the Tea Party for Congress's record-low job approval. Much as Bill Press did on MSNBC Wednesday evening, the Hardball host totally ignored the fact that Democrats control the Senate (video follows with transcript and commentary):