Free Publicity for Democratic Challengers to Tea Party on CBS

October 27th, 2011 5:40 PM

Thursday's Early Show on CBS provided free air time to Rep. Steve Israel of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and three of his top candidates for the 2012 election. Correspondent Nancy Cordes trumpeted how the Democratic Party is "determined to bounce back from their big losses" to Republicans during the 2010 cycle and highlighted that the three were "running against Tea Party…

Bill Press Says Mitch McConnell Is Senate Majority Leader

October 27th, 2011 10:52 AM
With Congress's poll numbers so low, the goal of the liberal media is to make the public believe the Republicans are in charge of both chambers. Bill Press appearing on MSNBC's PoliticsNation Wednesday dishonestly demonstrated precisely how (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Roll Call Touts Left-Wing Lobbyist Calling Joe Lieberman a Bloodsucker

October 26th, 2011 12:05 PM
In an article for Roll Call on Wednesday about Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, David Drucker included a quote from left-wing lobbyist Jimmy Williams, who  ranted: "...many in the Democratic caucus see Sen. Lieberman as a mosquito....The bad news is he has sucked enough blood from both sides of the aisle. The good news is winter is coming, meaning his time in the Senate will thankfully come…

NY Times Again Goes After Personal Finances of Tea Party Favorite

October 19th, 2011 2:06 PM
New York Times reporters Jennifer Steinhauer and Steven Yaccino unfurled a hit piece (accompanied by a severely unflattering photo) on Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, conservative freshman congressman and Tea Party favorite, on the front of Tuesday’s National section: “G.O.P.’s Freshman’s Fiscal Message Clashes With His Finances.” It’s not the first time the paper has gone after a Tea Party…

Bloomberg Columnist: Obama Was 'Conciliator,' OWS May Provide 'Inocula

October 10th, 2011 11:55 PM
Yesterday, in a different post about long-term unemployment, I wrote: "Of all the reality-denying aspects of Obama administration press coverage, the usually implicit but occasionally explicit assertion that he and his people are just helpless bystanders in an economic calamiity is easily among the most annoying." Bloomberg's Mike Dorning triggered the annoyance meter today with an "analysis…

Ladies of The View Take Scott Brown's Side Over Warren and Pelosi

October 10th, 2011 9:02 PM
Most liberal media members and prominent Democrats including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) took great offense to Sen. Scott Brown's (D-Mass.) joke concerning rival Elizabeth Warren not posing naked when she was in law school. Quite surprisingly, when this matter came up on ABC's The View Monday, the ladies sided with Brown (multipart video follows with transcripts and…

AP on the Long-Term Unemployed, Part 1: No Jobless Person Found Who Su

October 9th, 2011 5:06 PM
The headline this afternoon at the Associated Press to a report by Sam Hananel attempted to create the impression that complaints by many who have been unemployed for an extended time period that many employers are reluctant to consider and sometimes even refuse to consider their employment inquiries and applications equals support for provisions in President Obama's American Jobs Act which…

After Ignoring Attacks Against Conservative Women, Liberals Get Upset

October 7th, 2011 2:00 PM
Last week was filled with Chris Christie fat jokes. This week, Sen. Scott Brown was the target of Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren's joke about Brown's nude photos from college. Brown posed for the pictures to help pay for his schooling, but during the Massachusetts Senate debate earlier this week, the moderator reminded everyone of the issue, and asked Warren what she had done to pay for…

NBC's 'Today' Frets Scott Brown Getting 'Nasty' and 'Personal' in Mass

October 7th, 2011 12:14 PM
At the top of Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer wondered if a joke by Republican Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown in response to a jab by Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren was a "comeback or insult" and noted that "women's groups are giving him a big dressing down today." In a later tease of the story, fellow co-host Ann Curry proclaimed: "A senate race in Massachusetts has…

CBS Lets Wasserman Schultz Bash GOP, Omits Her Rosy Economic Spin

October 6th, 2011 3:32 PM
CBS's Erica Hill let DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz bash congressional Republicans unopposed on Thursday's Early Show. Hill also failed to ask the Florida Democrat about her eye-opening claim on Wednesday that "anyone" can see that the economy is improving "and now, we've begun to turn the corner." The anchor brought on Wasserman Schultz, the morning show's only political guest, for…

David Gregory: Republicans Have 'Harsh Stance' On Immigration Reform

October 2nd, 2011 12:26 PM
Did David Gregory realize just how much he was letting down the mask and revealing his liberal bias?   On today's "Meet The Press,"  Gregory stated as a simple declarative fact that Republicans have a "harsh stance" on immigration reform. Did Gregory simply forget the "some say" fig leaf so favored by the MSM?  Or is the MTP moderator so lost in the liberal media cocoon that he can't imagine…

Open Thread: Trust in Federal Government At All Time Low

September 28th, 2011 10:58 AM
According to a new national survey released this morning by CNN/ORC International, the public's trust in the federal government is at an all-time low. Only 15% of Americans say they trust the federal government to mostly or always do what is right, down 10% from September 2010. Additionally, 77% of those surveyed say they trust the federal government to act correctly some of the time, while 8%…

Sharpton Swipes At Maxine Waters For Criticizing Obama: 'Hypocrite

September 27th, 2011 7:16 AM
Are we witnessing a crack-up within the key demographic President Obama must count on to have any hope of re-election?  Al Sharpton has come out firing at Maxine Waters and other black Dems for their criticism of President Obama's perceived indifference to black unemployment. Last month, long-time congresswoman Waters told the audience at a Congressional Black Caucus event that she and other…

National Press Gives Undue Attention to Single-Issue Boehner Primary C

September 18th, 2011 3:03 PM
David Lewis is running for Congress as a Republican in Ohio's Eighth Congressional District for the seat House Speaker John Boehner currently holds. To be kind, Lewis doesn't stand a chance. To be not as kind, the establishment press is using Lewis's candidacy as an excuse to attempt to cast doubt on the ability of Tea Party activists and the GOP establishment to get along. To be clear, there's…