Not Yet News at AP or Politico: Jesse Jackson Jr. Said to Be in Plea D

November 8th, 2012 1:10 PM
As of shortly before 1 p.m. ET, at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, there is no story about what the Chicago Sun-Times reported Wednesday evening about just-reelected Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., namely that he " is in the midst of plea discussions with the feds probing his alleged misuse of campaign funds." There is also no story on the home page at Politico. Selected…

CNN on 'Reformer' Elizabeth Warren's Victory: 'Good for Her

November 7th, 2012 4:36 PM
Reacting to Democratic Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren's victory in Massachusetts, CNN's Ali Velshi gushed on Wednesday morning, "I have to say, regardless of party, good for her." "She prevailed. She got crushed and now she's going to be a U.S. senator," he noted her prior setback, when she failed to become the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. [Video below the break. Audio…

CBS's Kroft Downplays Harry Reid's Responsibility For Senate Impasse

November 5th, 2012 4:39 PM
On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS's Steve Kroft tried to paper over Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's role in fostering deadlock in the Senate. Kroft spotlighted Reid's "responsibility" for setting the body's agenda, but quickly added that the Nevada senator has "just as much of a responsibility as Senator McConnell - to make the system work and to do some things." The correspondent…

Politico's Isenstadt: 'Democrats' Drive to Retake House Falters': Tran

November 5th, 2012 7:37 AM
Though it occupies four web pages, it's hard to avoid thinking that Alex Isenstadt at Politico is hoping news consumers only look at his story's headline ("Democrats' drive to retake House falters") and not its damning yet still woefully incomplete content. The headline would make you think that Dems will gain seats, but not enough to achieve a majority. Isenstadt bravely concludes early on…

If Romney Wins, Democratic Senate Will Let Him Overcome Tea Party ‘C

November 4th, 2012 10:48 AM
Former Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief and Assistant Managing Editor Evan Thomas saw an upside if Mitt Romney does manage to win the presidency, but Democrats continue to hold the Senate. On Inside Washington, Thomas avowed “that would allow Romney to tell the crazies in his own party ‘I have to make a deal with the Democrats.’ It would free him a little bit from the Tea Party.” In other…

Politico Laughably Suggests 'Kerrey Republicans' Could Lift Democrat i

November 1st, 2012 3:39 PM
In a way, you have to admire Politico for its dedication to dopey storylines that are thin on evidence but dutifully crafted to boost liberal Democrats. Take this Thursday afternoon post by David Rogers entitled "Can Kerrey Republicans lift him to a win?", playing off the term "Reagan Democrats" and referring to GOP voters in Nebraska who could return Bob Kerrey (D) -- lifetime ACU conservative…

WashPost Hails Comcast/NBC Chief Lobbyist (and Obama Bundler) as 'Wonk

October 31st, 2012 8:19 AM
Tuesday’s front-page of The Washington Post offered a positive profile of Comcast’s chief lobbyist (and Democrat) David Cohen, the “wonk rock star.” The story’s central idea was the notion that Cohen’s offering of a low-income Internet service was a crucial part of Obama’s FCC approving Comcast’s merger with NBC if the massive campaign cash for Democrats didn’t help seal the…

AP's Taylored Narrative: GOP Fails at Senate Majority Due to Nominatin

October 30th, 2012 10:30 PM
AP reporter Andrew Taylor wrote up one of those teasing narratives Tuesday – the kind where he says, gee the GOP could have the Senate majority if it hadn’t managed to nominate Tea Party wackos that were successfully ripped down by harsh national press coverage. Well, there was no actual reference to the press or its anti-Tea Party aggression. There are only “flawed, gaffe-prone nominees,”…

Maddow on Mourdock Another Example of Her Rhetorical Vandalism

October 29th, 2012 3:18 PM
Ever wonder why so few Republicans appear on "The Rachel Maddow Show"? Its namesake would have you believe they are deterred by her hypercaffeinated cerebral intensity. Instead, it's because they find Maddow's frequent lies, reliance on half truths, glaring omissions and paraphrasing of what they say beyond recognition inherently repellent. On her MSNBC program Friday night, Maddow waded into…

Andrew Sullivan Makes a Fool of Himself on ABC's 'This Week' With Geor

October 28th, 2012 2:10 PM
Andrew Sullivan made a fool of himself on ABC's This Week Sunday. For the entertainment pleasure of viewers, George Will and PBS's Gwen Ifill assisted the Obama-loving Daily Beast columnist (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Obama Asked to Show ID to Vote: Where’s the Outrage at MSNBC

October 26th, 2012 3:38 PM
Over the past several months, MSNBC has been on a tirade criticizing attempts by mostly Republican state legislatures to ensure voting integrity by requiring a photo ID in order to vote.  As NewsBusters has documented, one of the leaders of the anti-ID movement is none other than the host of the 6 p.m. Eastern program Politics Nation, the Rev. Al Sharpton, who on numerous occasions has…

CNN's Baldwin Parrots Dem Talking Point About Scott Brown's Wall St. D

October 25th, 2012 6:19 PM
Reporting on the Massachusetts Senate race on Thursday, CNN's Brooke Baldwin played a Democratic card by noting the amount of Wall Street money Republican incumbent Scott Brown's campaign receives compared with his Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren, who has campaigned as a populist opponent of Wall Street.   "The Center for Responsive Politics was reporting nearly 9 out of every 10 Wall…

ABC Links 'Landmine' GOP Senate Candidate to Romney, Hypes 'Firestorm

October 25th, 2012 5:02 PM
World News on Wednesday night continued to try and link Mitt Romney to the comments of a Republican Senate candidate in Indiana.  Anchor Diane Sawyer began the program by hyping, "The Romney campaign wrestles today with a landmine on a big issue for women." On Tuesday, Richard Mourdock said that life is a "gift from God" and that "even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape that…

CBS Hammers Haley Barbour on 'Impact' of Mourdock on Women's Vote

October 25th, 2012 4:14 PM
Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell badgered former RNC head Haley Barbour on Thursday's CBS This Morning on Indiana Republican Richard Mourdock's strongly pro-life stance, that even children conceived in rape are "God intended." Rose strongly hinted that the media firestorm surrounding Mourdock could affect the presidential race: "Romney may be gaining support among women. And the question arises…