WashPost 'On Faith' Contributor Misrepresents, Then Bashes Mourdock Us

October 25th, 2012 10:58 AM
In her rush to condemn U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock, liberal theologian Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite -- no stranger to criticism here on NewsBusters -- took the Indiana Republican's recent comments on abortion out of context and subsequently offered up readers a theology which, if followed to its logical conclusion, demeans the humanity and God-given dignity of persons living today who…

CNN's Costello Spends More Time on GOP Senate Candidate Than Libya E-M

October 24th, 2012 3:59 PM
On Wednesday, CNN's Carol Costello spent more time on a GOP Senate candidate's remarks on abortion than she did on a new bombshell report on the Libya attacks. Costello devoted just over 12 minutes to Libya, versus 13 and a half minutes to Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock's comments, and his endorsement by Mitt Romney. Costello anchors the 9 and 10 a.m. hours of CNN Newsroom.…

NBC News Ignores Emails Showing White House Knew Libya Attack Was Terr

October 24th, 2012 2:23 PM
**UPDATE** At 2:30 p.m. EDT, MSNBC mentioned the damaging emails for the first time, coupling it with breaking news of an arrest in the attack on our Libyan consulate.    Following in the footsteps of its sister broadcast network, MSNBC has continued to ignore the shocking revelation that the White House knew on September 11 that the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was under a well-coordinated…

All Three Networks Hype 'Controversial' GOP Senate Candidate and His

October 24th, 2012 12:14 PM
All three morning shows on Wednesday touted White House talking points linking Mitt Romney to a Republican Senate candidate in Indiana who, while speaking about "the horrible situation of rape," called life a "gift from God." Only one program, CBS This Morning, seemed to notice how closely this story mirrored Democratic spin. As though he was referencing a connection to a criminal, former…

NBC Demands: ‘Does the Romney Campaign Believe That God Intends Rape

October 24th, 2012 10:41 AM
With less than two weeks before the November election, it appears as though the media have found their newest manufactured controversy to smear Mitt Romney and other Republicans running for elected office. Following comments made by  Richard Mourdock, Republican candidate for Senate in Indiana, NBC News’ Luke Russert disgustingly tried to twist Mourdock’s comments and tie them to the Romney…

Media Debate Fail: Obama, the Auto Bailout and China

October 23rd, 2012 9:52 AM
In their third Presidential debate analysis, the Jurassic Press Media last night and thus far this morning have failed utterly in their role as fact checker and record-corrector - at least when it comes to what President Barack Obama had to say.  As but one glaring example, there were the President’s absurd assertions regarding the auto bailout and China.

Todd Akin Compares Claire McCaskill To a Dog

October 21st, 2012 10:17 AM
Missouri's Republican senatorial candidate Todd Akin compared opponent Claire McCaskill (D-Miss.) to a dog Saturday. Appearing at a fundraiser in Springfield, Akin said, "She goes to Washington, D.C., and it’s a little bit like, you know, one of those dogs, you know - ‘fetch.’”

WashPost's Vozzella Cites Planned Parenthood Doc to Criticize Va. Abor

October 19th, 2012 5:12 PM
As we've noted here at NewsBusters, the Washington Post's Laura Vozzella has done her level best to attack Virginia's new strict abortion clinic regulations. Today was no exception as the Post staffer jumped on the chance to cast a Democrat-appointed health official's resignation in protest of the new regs as a move that has "provoked an outcry among the medical community." However the doctor…

Liberal 'Fact-Checking' Site States Comment From Ohio GOP Candidate Is

October 19th, 2012 1:41 PM
With the November 6 election drawing ever nearer, a race between Republican Josh Mandel and Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown for an Ohio U.S. Senate seat is heating up, and a "fact-checking" website is throwing coal on the fire while adding evidence to the claim that PolitFact Ohio is "riddled with liberal bias and lacks any scientific processes." That accusation comes from Brian Sikma, an…

Carl Bernstein Ridiculously Claims Republicans Are Against Civil Right

October 18th, 2012 11:44 AM
Unlike his former colleague Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein has once again shown he is no longer a serious journalist but instead a Republican-bashing liberal pundit.  Bernstein, who has consistently bashed the Republican Party as “extremist” has now turned to calling them anti-women. Appearing on Thursday’s Jansing and Co., Bernstein was highly critical of Mitt Romney’s comments about hiring…

Fact Checking the Fact-Challenged Obama Auto Bailout Czar

October 18th, 2012 8:37 AM
Ex-Barack Obama Administration $82 Billion Auto Bailout Czar Steve Rattner has a bit of a problem telling the truth. What Rattner does not have is a problem with the Jurassic Press Media calling him on his serial flights of factual fancy.

‘The View’ Co-Hosts Freak Out When Hasselbeck Suggests Hollywood I

October 17th, 2012 2:58 PM
The View has a long reputation for its liberal slant, but when one of its own calls out the liberal bias among celebrities, hysteria ensues.  Such was the case on Wednesday when the lone conservative Elizabeth Hasselbeck spoke out against the overwhelming liberal presence that dominates Hollywood.   [See video below break.  MP3 audio here.]

NYTimes Tries to Boost a Democrat's Chances in 'A Seat for the Taking

October 16th, 2012 3:23 PM
In Monday's New York section of the Times, Michael Grynbaum reported on a local congressional race in Staten Island that Democrats see as ripe for the picking, with a headline that suggested the Democrat indeed deserved to win the seat: "A Seat for the Taking, but First Seeking Traction – Democratic Challenger is Largely Unknown In His Conservative Staten Island District." Grynbaum pondered…

Networks Tout Hillary 'Falling on Her Sword' and 'Taking Blame' for Li

October 16th, 2012 12:56 PM
All three morning shows on Tuesday highlighted Hillary Clinton "falling on her sword" and "taking blame" for the growing scandal over Libya. But NBC and ABC avoided specifics. On Good Morning America, reporter Reena Ninan failed to press the Secretary of State on details concerning Barack Obama's role. In contrast, CBS reporter Margaret Brennan pushed for details on what the administration…